Economic Systems Song Parody of “Wild Thing” Originally performed by The Troggs Recreated by Mr. Krebs © 2006 KP Krebs’ Productions.


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Presentation transcript:

Economic Systems Song Parody of “Wild Thing” Originally performed by The Troggs Recreated by Mr. Krebs © 2006 KP Krebs’ Productions

Chorus Economy That’s how I make money Produce – Exchange you see Economy

Traditional Economy Traditional, I like your ease Customs make all the rules Jobs handed down from my ‘rents to me Trade with me

Chorus Economy That’s how I make money Produce – Exchange you see Economy

Command Economy Command, government owns all And they make all the rules They tell me what to do and buy Command Me

Chorus Economy That’s how I make money Produce – Exchange you see Economy

Market Economy Market people hold all the power They decide what to do I choose what to make, buy, & sell Buy from me

Chorus Economy That’s how I make money Produce – Exchange you see Economy

Mixed Economy Mixed you combine two different types People make most of the rules The feds, they regulate some It’s a nice mix

Chorus Economy That’s how I make money Produce – Exchange you see Economy x2