Students should never fear singing in chorus. The goal is for students to become better, no matter what talent level they begin at.
Things coming up… Folders-students will get their folder assignments VERY soon too. We will talk in great detail about folders when I pass them out. Folders will be graded through out the year for content and organization. Students are responsible for taking care of their folders. A variety of music-we are singing in several languages and in different styles.
How can a student stay out of trouble this year? Respect Chorus---If you wouldn’t do it in your other classes, don’t think you can do it in chorus. No Food, Gum, or drinks (other than water)- you can’t sing with something extra in your mouth. And the Music department would like to keep all our new rooms and equipment clean Know how to come into class and how to treat the materials given to you. PARTICIPATE!!!
How do connections work? We are on a Block Schedule during connections Basically, you will either have French or this class everyday. Not both in one day. There are less days of class than other schools have so we need to work hard when we are here. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday ABABA BABAB ABABA
Grades Rehearsal Skills are 40% Rehearsal skills include being prepared for class, actively involved in assigned task and posture. Points will be given daily. Classwork and Quizzes are 40% Classwork is anything you are expected to complete in class. Question Quizzes will be done every 5 class days. Test / Performance Projects are 20% Tests might be performed or written. A performance project is similar to a end of the unit project or test. We will have at least 1 each nine weeks.
Concerts Veteran’s Day (6 th grade) Nov. 11 th Winter Concert Tuesday Dec. 10 th Spring Concert Friday May 2 th
Uniforms Chorus polo shirt, Khaki pants, black shoes Chorus shirts will be ordered in early September.
Just for Fun National Anthem at an Atlanta Hawks game. – I have requested a few really great games for the kids to go see. I am still waiting to find out which game we will get to attend. – I will not know the cost until I know which game. Atlanta Opera’s Tosca – This is a student version of the opera – This will be a field trip on Oct. 10
Fundraiser We will have the fundraiser kickoff on October 1 st This is the only fundraiser that we do so we really need to “go big” We sell cheesecake, cookie dough and other desserts
Remind 101 The CMS chorus will begin using a text program that allows Mrs. Clark to send reminders to chorus students and parents. 6 th to (912) Students please reply with your first and last name Parents please respond as your child’s parent (for example: Sara’s Mom)
Parent Volunteers In the student syllabus there is a section about volunteering. Please look over that section and mark what you can help out with. The concert monitors and pre concert chaperones are really important!!!