Greek Dramas follow a formula:  The Prologue: The opening scene that sets the tone for the play.  The Parodos: The entrance of 12-15 men that make up.


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Presentation transcript:

Greek Dramas follow a formula:  The Prologue: The opening scene that sets the tone for the play.  The Parodos: The entrance of men that make up the Chorus.  The Chorus: Sings/Chants background information that helps the viewer/reader follow the play/story.  Episodes: The scenes to the play.  Stasimon: A speech or an ode (a lyric poem) performed by the chorus that comes after the episode.  Exodos: When all the actors and Chorus march off the stage at the end of the play

The Prologue: The Opening Scene in Antigone  The theme is revealed: Conflict between man’s law and the Gods.  Antigone & Ismene (sisters) talk about Creon’s edict (an order issued by an official) that honors one of their brothers and condemns the other.  Antigone intends to defy the Creon’s edict. Ismene refuses to help in fear of the death penalty.

Parodos: The entrance of men who make up the Chorus.

The Chorus: Gives the viewer/reader background information on the plot.  In Antigone, the Chorus speak about a battle in which Polynieces & Eteocles died.  Polynieces & Eteocles are brothers who lead opposite sides of the Thebes’ civil war.  Polynieces & Eteocles are Antigone and Ismene’s brothers.

Episodes are the scenes in a drama…

A modern day drama that most people have heard about it….

Antigone: Episode 1 In Episode 1, Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, makes his formal announcement on how he will rule. He declares how Eteocles will be honored and buried. Polynieces will be disgraced and served as food for animals unfit for humans. Creon is informed by a guard that his edict has been defied.

Antigone: First Stasimon (Speech/Ode by the chorus)  The Chorus sings/tells the audience about the wonders and power of men.  Power that can be used for good or evil.  Men that are lawless must be condemned.

Antigone: Episode 2  The Guard reveals that Antigone buried Polynieces’ body.  Creon confronts Antigone and she argues that she was following divine law (law of the Gods) which is superior to the law of men.  Creon suspects that Ismene helped her. Ismene falsely confesses to the crime but Antigone criticizes her for trying to.  It is revealed that Antigone is engaged to Haemon (Creon’s son).  Both women are arrested.

Antigone: Second Stasimon  The Chorus sings about the curse that follows the house of Labdacidae (house of King Oedipus, the father of Antigone, Ismene, Eteocles, & Polynieces.  The Chorus explains that the curse follows each generation.  The chorus warns that human error is always met with divine punishment & retribution.

Antigone: Episode 3  Haemon (Antigone’s fiance) argues with his father Creon’s decision to punish Antigone.  Creon decides to ignore his son’s pleas & threatens to kill Antigone.  Haemon leaves vowing to never return.  Creon announces that Antigone will be deserted with little food so she can die without the blood being on his hands.

Antigone: Third Stasimon  The Chorus speaks about the love and its power over men.  Love conquers all.

Antigone: Episode 4  Creon decides to spare Ismene & condemns Antigone to death.  Antigone continues to defend her actions.  Antigone is led to her death

Antigone: Fourth Stasimon  The Chorus says an ode (speech) about men who have faced great adversity (difficulties/misfort une).

Antigone: Episode 5  Teiresias, the blind prophet, tells Creon that the Gods and the public side with Antigone and that Creon should back down.  Creon accuses Teiresias of being bribed.  Teiresias leaves Creon with a prophecy (death of his son).

Antigone: Fifth Stasimon  The Chorus sings an ode to Bacchus hoping he will save the city of Thebes from its present crisis.

Antigone: Exodos  A messenger reveals that Antigone and Haemon are dead.  Eurydice (Haemon’s mother/Creon’s wife) takes her own life after she learns that her son is dead.  Creon, broken hearted wanders away.