Day 3, Evening Plenary
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) Page content and so on and so forth… 感 激 基 督 帶 領 gum gig gei du dai leng 恩 典 賜 予 我 未 停 yan din chi yu ngo mei teng 日 日 服 事 主 我 心 歡 喜 yat yat fok si ju ngo sum foon hei
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) Page content and so on and so forth… 讓 讚 美 聲 跨 千 里 ieong zaan mei sing kwaa chin lei 要 唱 唱 唱 莫 停 yiu cheong cheong cheong mok teng Hallelujah~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 1nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 2nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) Page content and so on and so forth… 感 激 基 督 帶 領 gum gig gei du dai leng 恩 典 賜 予 我 未 停 yan din chi yu ngo mei teng 日 日 服 事 主 我 心 歡 喜 yat yat fok si ju ngo sum foon hei
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) Page content and so on and so forth… 讓 讚 美 聲 跨 千 里 ieong zaan mei sing kwaa chin lei 要 唱 唱 唱 莫 停 yiu cheong cheong cheong mok teng Hallelujah~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 1nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 2nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 1nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
頌讚祢 Hallelujah 頌讚祢 Hallelujah (Praise Thee) CHORUS 2nd so on and so forth… 頌 讚 你 zung zaan nei Hallelujah 稱 讚 你 ching zaan nei Hallelujah Hallelujah~~~
God is Able God is able He will never fail, He is Almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things
God is Able Lifted up He defeated the grave Raised to life Our God is able In His name we overcome For the Lord our God is able
God is Able God is with us God is on our side He will make a way Far above all we know Far above all we hope He has done great things
God is Able Lifted up He defeated the grave Raised to life our God is able In His name we overcome For the Lord our God is able
God is Able God is with us He will go before He will never leave us He will never leave us
God is Able God is for us He has open arms He will never fail us He will never fail us
God is Able Lifted up He defeated the grave Raised to life our God is able In His name we overcome For the Lord our God is able (2 times)
Awesome God awesome God Our God is an awesome God He reigns from Heaven above With wisdom, power and love awesome God Our God is an awesome God