Ursuline Convocation 2010 Sunday, July 4, 2010
RE-COMMITMENT o In a world where profit rules, where the categories of race and class and sex, blot out the uniqueness of individual persons, do you pledge to struggle against oppression of every kind, to recognize and promote the precious dignity of each of God’s creatures? o I will, with God’s help and Angela’s spirit, vision, and presence.
o In a world in which hatred and violence are in the very air we breathe, do you pledge to work untiringly for genuine communion and solidarity among all people, especially those most different from yourself? o I will, with God’s help and with Angela’s spirit, vision, and presence.
o In a world in which the goods of science and technology, of wealth and political power, are distorted into idols that disfigure the face of the Holy One in creation, do you pledge to use all the goods of this earth only in dependence and gratitude to the God who gives life to everything in creation? o I will, with God’s help, and Angela’s spirit, vision, and presence.
o And lastly, in a world in which we so easily lose touch with mystery, and the mystical unfolding of the Holy, within and around us, do you pledge to live a life grounded in that more expansive world of Spirit, as opposed to a life grounded in the limitations and security of ego? o I will, with God’s help and Angela’s spirit, vision, and presence.
Summoned by the God who made us Rich in our diversity, Gathered in the name of Jesus, Richer still in unity: Chorus: Let us bring the gifts that differ And, in splendid, varied ways, Sing a new church into being, One of faith and love and praise Radiant risen from the water; Robed in holiness and light, Male and female in God’s image Male and female God’s delight: Chorus: Trust the goodness of creation; Trust the Spirit strong within. Dare to dream the vision promised Sprung from seed of what has been. Chorus Bring the hopes of every nation; Bring the art of every race. Weave a song of peace and justice: Let it sound through time and space. Chorus Draw together at one table All the human family; Shape a circle ever wider And a people ever free. Chorus: (c) 1991 Sisters of St. Benedict. Published by OCP Productions, P.O. Box 18030, Portland Oregon. All rights reserved. Used with permission