A Harris Seeds Presentation Dick Chamberlin President Mark Willis Vegetable Product Manager
Protection from flea beetles up to the fifth true-leaf stage, which provides a reduction in damage from Stewart’s bacterial wilt. Reduction in stand loss due to wireworm, seed corn maggot and other secondary pest damage. Provides contact and systemic protection. Easy to use – delivered to you, on the seed, in the bag. No chemical container disposal or special planter equipment required.
Normal Sugary Sugary Enhanced Sweet Breed™ Synergistic Standard Supersweets Augmented Supersweets
The variety that put white sweet corn on the map Still quite popular Creamy quality and good corn flavor
72 days Superb eating quality and tenderness Beautifully refined 8” ears Exceptional husk package and ear protection Highly recommended for roadside and farmers’ markets
80 days Growers love its production Consumers love its quality Large 8.5-9” ears Rugged growing, main season variety
82 days 12 days earlier than Silver Queen Refined bright white kernel color Superb sweetness and tenderness
86 days The finest late season white to grow Good early season emergence Eating quality is far superior to Silver Queen Long 8.5-9” ears
67 days Exceptional early season vigor Strong plants, great husk package and ear protection Combines se, sh2 and su genetics all on the same ear of corn Great quality and top performance
74 days Exceptional early season vigor Strong plants, great husk package and ear protection Combines se, sh2 and su genetics all on the same ear of corn Great quality and top performance
74 days Exceptional early season vigor Strong plants, great husk package and ear protection Combines se, sh2 and su genetics all on the same ear of corn Great quality and top performance
66 days Wonderful early season quality Good early season vigor 7” ears covered tightly with an attractive husk package
79 days Large 8” ears of the highest eating quality A very productive variety Strong sturdy plants A great roadside or farmers’ market variety
82 day Our most popular main season synergistic bicolor Terrific eating quality 8” ears that fill strong to the tip
84 days A full season beauty Large 8.5-9” ears A synergistic version of Delectable Great sweetness and eating quality
78 days White version of the very popular bicolor Montauk Large 8” ears of the highest eating quality A very productive variety Strong sturdy plants A great roadside or farmers’ market variety
75 days Eye-appealing, refined yellow kernels Outstanding sweetness and tenderness Very good early season vigor 8” ears covered well over the tip with a dark green husk
69 Days A first early supersweet with good early season vigor 7.5-8” ears Good sweetness with a firmer kernel texture
76 days Tender kernels and exceptional sweetness 8.5” ears covered tightly with a medium-green husk Plant in warm soil only (65° F. +)
67 days A first early supersweet with good early season vigor 8” ears Good sweetness with a firmer kernel texture
85 days A full season yellow with superb sweetness and good corn flavor Firmer kernel texture Large 8” ears
71 days An outstanding second early supersweet Long 8” ears Sweet and tender
74 days Exceptional yield potential Good early season vigor for a high quality supersweet Marvelous eating quality and tenderness Husk offers good ear protection
77 days One of the first and still one of the best eating augmented supersweets Refined, well-filled ears Extraordinary tenderness and sweetness
78 days Beautifully, refined ears Amazing sweetness and tenderness Very productive and adaptable from north to south
72 days White sweet corn growers can now experience the Mirai phenomenon Large 8-8.5” ears Refined ears and an attractive husk package Very sweet and tender with excellent flavor
78 days Very productive main season white supersweet Tender and sweet Strong plants and good disease tolerance
74 days White version of the very high quality yellow Vision
74 days Good yield potential Exceptional tenderness and sweetness
71 days High quality 8” ears Extremely tender and sweet Rugged 6’ plants
74 days 5-6” ears that are the ideal size if you are selling to restaurants Deep, tender and sweet kernels Great for specialty food markets and farmers’ markets
75 days Unmatched tenderness and sweetness Very refined looking 8” ears They don’t get much better than this
71 days Decent early season vigor for a high quality supersweet Comparable to Vision for sweetness and tenderness
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