Choosing courses for high school
Some classes are “automatic” (ACR) and will be printed on the back of the Course Selection Sheet. Some classes are elective. Questions to think about when choosing electives… What do I want to do after I graduate? What is my vocational track? What are some things I might enjoy? Is my schedule balanced? Can I handle it?
Complete 24 credits 2.0 GPA 4 on FCAT Writes Pass 10 th grade FCAT 2.0 Reading, Algebra 1 and the EOC, (end of course exam) to receive credit for the class. Geometry and Biology the EOC is 30% of student’s final grade.
4 credits of English (ACR) 4 credits of Math (1 must be Algebra 1) [ACR] 3 credits of Science (biological, physical, elective) (ACR) 3 credits of Social Studies (ACR) (American Government*, World History, American History, Economics*) 1 credit of Health Opportunities through Phys Ed (HOPE) 1 credit of Performing Fine Art Minimum of ½ credit of reading (ACR)
Required courses for graduation: Math must include Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 2 years of the same foreign language Recommend at least 18 academic credits EnglishScienceForeign Language MathSocial Studies
Accelerated graduation program May graduate in 3 years Must declare intent by the end of 9 th grade See your counselor for more information
Florida Academic Scholars Medallion Scholars Gold Seal Vocational Scholars
Automatic Course Requests will include recommendations for: English Math Social Studies (American Gov.) Science Reading (minimum ½ credit required for graduation) We recommend you choose HOPE * (*Required PE for graduation)
You will choose 5 electives in order of preference. # 1 being your first choice. Not all electives will appear on your schedule, some may be alternates. However, alternates may become part of your schedule, so they should be classes you are willing to take. * Indicates a semester course (you must choose two).
AP Human Geography + Earn college credit – rigorous curriculum Topics include: population studies, cultural concepts, political geography, land use, urbanization ( + Must be taken in conjunction with the East West Traditions class.)
African American Studies* East West Traditions*
HOPE (Health Opportunities through Physical Education) Required to graduate (1 year course) Substitutions for HOPE - 2 years of ROTC Electives: 1 semester in length Team Sports* Recreational Activities* Weight Training* Beginning Wrestling* Basketball* Soccer*
A dvancement V ia I ndividual D etermination Targets the “academic middle” with potential Promotes a rigorous college prep curriculum Commitment to a four year program Teaches fundamental skills necessary to be successful in college
2 years of the same language required for college admissions Spanish French American Sign Language
One credit in Performing Art is required for graduation BandDrama OrchestraStagecraft Guitar Chorus Art* Creative Photography*
Agriscience Foundations (Introductory course to all Ag. Classes) Ag. Communications Vet Assist. 1 Ag Tech. 1
Child Development* Parenting Skills* Early Child Ed. 1 Grooming & Salon*/Cosmetology 2* (Nails)
Medical Skills and Services An introduction to health careers
Drafting & Design Construction Tech. Auto Mechanics Computer Tech. Carpentry 1
Computer Skills* Business Skills* Web Design 1 Computing for College & Careers Accounting1
Army ROTC 2 years = HOPE and Performing Art
1 English 1 Honors 2 Geometry Honors 3 Biology 1 Honors 4 Am Gov Hon/Semantics 5 HOPE 6 Spanish 1 7 KBS/Child Development 1 English 1 2 Algebra 1B 3 Biology 4 Intensive Reading Intensive Reading KBS/Am Gov 7 JROTC 1
1 English 1 2 Algebra 1 3 Biology 4 Am Gov/Parenting 5 HOPE 6 Adv Comm. Meth/Adv Rdg 7 Art 2 D/Driver’s Ed. 1 English 1 2 Geometry 3 Grooming/Cos 2 4 Intensive Reading A 5 Biology 6 Team Sports/Am Gov 7 Drama
Take the hardest classes you can! Honors Advanced Placement Attendance is critical Get Involved!
Due to the requirements of the Class Size Reduction Amendment, requests for schedule changes may be denied as classes reach maximum legal capacity!
Fewest required courses – 4.5 Most required courses – 6 What’s left is your choice and becomes your “electives”
Schools starts at 7:30 AM Release time is 2:55 PM Each class is approximately 50 minutes Lunch is 40 minutes (4 A or 4 B)