PARTS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Nasal Cavity Epiglottis Pharynx Larynx Trachea Lungs Diaphragm
NASAL CAVITY The nostrils or nares are usually located in the openings of the nose. Mucus Membranes warm and moisten the air while cilia trap inhaled particles.
PHARYNX The human pharynx is the part of the throat situated immediately behind the mouth and the nasal cavity. The pharynx is where the nasal cavities, oral cavities converge. Both food and air are passed into the pharynx.
EPIGLOTTIS The epiglottis is a cartilaginous valve that covers the entry of the larynx preventing food from entering it and the trachea. When inhaling the epiglottis remains opened. The epiglottis closes when food gets swallowed. This prevents food from obstructing the larynx.
TRACHEA The trachea (or windpipe) is the bony tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs. When an individual breathes, air that is caught flows into the lungs through the trachea.
LARYNX The larynx, commonly called the voice box, is located at the top of the trachea. The larynx houses the vocal cords which are an essential component of phonation (making sound). The vocal cords are folds of membrane stretched across the larynx. They vibrate when air passes by causing a sound.
LUNGS Once air progresses through the trachea, it branches into two tubes called the bronchi which lead to a lung. Once in a lung the bronchi keep branching into smaller and smaller tubes known at bronchioles.
Lungs The bronchioles have air sacs at the end. Each air sac is called an alveolus (pularal aveoli)
Lungs Each Alveolus is encapsulated by capillaries Which allows oxygen to diffuse into the blood And carbon dioxide to diffuse out of the blood.
Cilia Along the Bronchi and down into the lungs are little hairs called cilia (microtubules). These act as a filter catching chemicals and substances that are not supposed to get into your body.
LUNGS The lungs are the essential breathing organs in many animals. The lungs are located in the chest on either side of the heart. Their principal function is to transport oxygen from the air into the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the air. This exchange of gases is accomplished by the mosaic of specialised cells that form millions of tiny, exceptionally thin-walled air sacs called alveoli.
Breathing Breathing in is called Inspiration. Breathing out is called expiration.
DIAPHRAGM It is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. When the diaphragm contracts it pushes down on the abdomen and other chest muscles push the ribs out making more room for the lung. Then the chest muscles and diaphragm relax and the diaphragm moves up.
Diaphragm Hiccups are caused by the diaphragm spamming. The vocal cords snap shut to stop the sudden inward flow of air making the hiccup sound.
Breathing Animation
INHALATION Normal respirations are 10 to 18 breaths per minute, with each lasting around 2 seconds. During vigorous inhalation (at rates exceeding 35 breaths per minute), or when approaching respiratory failure, accessory muscles of respiration are recruited for support.
HEALTHY HABITS FOR CARING FOR OUR RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Exercise regularly, this helps to improve the circulation of the blood. Eat a well balanced diet.. Maintain a healthy weight. Live in a clean environment. Avoid smoking cigarettes and second hand smoke. Smoking increases the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Try to reduce stress and tension. Avoid high blood pressure because this can cause heart failure and stroke.
Smoking When you smoke the chemicals in the cigarrett kill off all the cilia. You have just destroyed your filter system. The tar and harmful chemicals are now stuck in your lungs and able to diffuse into your blood.
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