Expert System for Natural Gas Transportation Network Jonny Carlos da Silva, D. Eng. Gilson Simões Porciúncula, M. Eng. SCGÁS TBG Partners Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition 2003
Overview: Context Objectives and contributions SEGRED Functions Project development System Description System Expansion Conclusion
Context : Remote Monitoring of process variables according to contract rules Hundreds of continuous variables (such as pressure, flow, temperature, and discrete variables) are monitored in some points of the pipeline
SEGRED General Information Period: 2 years (Jan to Dec. 2002) Project Team LASHIP Knowledge Engineering Team - 12 members including 2 professors, 6 engineers (4 MSc), 4 undergraduate students Plus Domain Experts from the Partnering Companies Investment: US$ 220,000
TBG Networks in Brazil TBG - responsible for operating the largest gas pipeline in Latin America on Brazilian soil. Its pipeline covers more than 3,000 km, it runs from Santa Cruz, in Bolivia, up to Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil.
Objectives Development of software to support operation and maintenance management of natural gas transportation networks, integrating experts systems and dynamic simulation. Contributions reduction of operational costs increase reliability improve maintenance and operation organize part of the corporative memory
Context Pipeline TBG/DVS South Division- Santa Catarina State First mapped sector TBG/DVS Araucária Joinville Guaramirim Gaspar Brusque Tijucas Biguaçu Focus on CITY GATE
Analysis of current operational state Diagnosis – failures detection and maintenance recommendations. Prognosis – Capacity to predict the network behavior based on dynamic simulation. Generation of reports for maintenance Acquisition of process variables SEGRED Functions:
SEGRED Structure Expert System Environment USER AMESim Simulation System Graphical Interface Agent Module Application Domain Diagnosis Module
Integration between Expert System and Simulator Configuration scenarios Validation process variables Analysis and prognosis of failures with generation of suggestions operational failures diagnosis and generation of procedures for maintenance Agent Maintenance Module System development :
Agent Concept- Expert System and Simulation Software Two Phase process: SEGRED system defines parameter for simulation, i.e. different scenarios configurations it analyzes the simulation data and infers problems that may occur in the networks.
CITY GATE Consumer SEGRED- Prognosis based on Dynamic Simulation Consumer affected Closing Valve Distribution Network Model Prognosis REPORT for different Consumers
Example of Knowledge Modeling Diagnostic Function- FTA Station delivers gas under unregulated pressure, and temperature below limit Failure of station global function Heating System water temp below 80°C Reducing Pressure System Valve lost action of control Failure of partial (subsystems) functions PCV1A Unregulated above of set of the PCV1Á Absence of gas of utility or inferior the 35,5 psig. PCV1A with the valve of relief of camera opened Failure of Component Function TC51 unregulated for temperature low TC51 damaged due to low temperature PCV1A Valve with diaphragm of the pilots breached
Prototype Description Configuration and Evaluation of the operational scenario
Prototype Description Prognosis Based on DYNAMIC SIMULATION Analysis Evaluation of current network state.
If upstream pressure in some City Gate (Delivery Station) is lower than a minimum defined by design, that station will not properly deliver gas. If upstream pressure in some ECOMP (Compressing Station) is below its limit a decrease in the station efficiency will occur. If gas demand in some City Gate is lower than the specified value a malfunction can take place. Usually, pressure control valves decrease their accuracy. Prototype Description Some rules implemented
CityGate Diagnosis Subsystems Failure
Subsystems Diagnosis Pressure Control System Possible Failures Failure Modes Diagnosis Report
SEGRED II Phase Linebreak Detection Bottleneck Detection Composition Module Tracking Increase of system topology- REPLAN- GUARAREMA stretch Based on its successful outcome, the SEGRED Project will be expanded. In this second phase, TBG and Petrobras defined a new scope, including new functions to be added, such as:
Conclusion The integration between expert systems and dynamic simulation is a synergic solution for operation of gas networks. The SEGRED-TBG system will become an innovative tool in the area of management of natural gas transportation, able to be expanded for all network. REPLAN Guararema NEW Sector
More Information SEGRED project Website