©Marian Small, 2010 Big Ideas K-3 Session 3 Marian Small
©Marian Small, 2010 Recall Our focus tonight is on shape and space We will, however, consider the between- session work you did on number, pattern or data.
©Marian Small, 2010 A fresh approach I thought I might try to approach our work a bit differently tonight. We will start with the outcomes and look for the big ideas by focusing on the outcomes.
©Marian Small, D Objects and 2-D Shapes Kindergarten: -Sort 3-D objects using a single attribute Grade 1: - Sort 3-D objects using one attribute and explain the sorting rule
©Marian Small, 2010
Think of a way to sort the shapes based on a numerical attribute Take the pen and put the chosen shapes together somehow on the next page.
©Marian Small, 2010
Think of a way To sort the shapes based on a non-numerical attribute Circle them to put them together somehow on the next page.
©Marian Small, 2010
How are the shapes you see alike? How are they different?
©Marian Small, 2010 For grade 2 How would you alter the activity to suit the Grade 2 outcome: Sort 3-D objects using two attributes, and explain the sorting rule. Raise your hand to share your idea.
©Marian Small, 2010 For grade 3 How would you alter the activity to suit the Grade 3 outcome: Describe 3-D objects according to the shape of the faces, and the number of edges and vertices. Raise your hand to share your idea.
©Marian Small, 2010 Now let’s consider 2-D shapes Grade 1: - Sort 2-D shapes using one attribute and explain the sorting rule Grade 2: - Sort 2-D shapes using two attributes and explain the sorting rule
©Marian Small, 2010 For example… Which shape doesn’t belong? Vote for A, B, C or D. Then explain why. A D C B
©Marian Small, 2010 For example Sort these shapes so that you are thinking about numbers. Use a “pen” string to put the shapes together that you think belong.
©Marian Small, 2010
For example Sort these shapes so that you are NOT thinking about numbers. Put a “pen string” around them.
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 3 Sort regular and irregular polygons, including: Triangles Quadrilaterals Pentagons…. According to the number of sides
©Marian Small, 2010 Building and describing Kindergarten - Build and describe 3-D objects Grade 1 - Replicate composite 3-D objects
©Marian Small, 2010 Task You make a building using 2 cylinders and a prism. What could it look like? Draw a sketch on next blank slide.
©Marian Small, 2010
Task Copy my building.
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Could you make a building that’s like it using more shapes? Draw on the slide.
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 2 Describe, compare and construct 2-D shapes, including: Triangles Squares Rectangles Circles
©Marian Small, 2010 Task How could you use the triangles to make a square? Show us on next blank slide.
©Marian Small, 2010
Task How could you use the triangles to make a square? Show on next slide.
©Marian Small, 2010
Square tiles Use 4 square tiles to make a rectangle. Do our rectangles all have to look the same? Draw on next slide.
©Marian Small, 2010
What about… What if you used 5 tiles?
©Marian Small, 2010
Cutting up shapes Build a shape on a geoboard. Can you always cut up your shape into triangles? into squares? Let’s look at some examples.
©Marian Small, 2010
Puzzles Use pattern blocks to make the design.
©Marian Small, 2010 Describing Grade 1 - Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects in the environment Grade 2 -Describe and compare 3-D objects -Describe and compare 2-D shapes
©Marian Small, 2010 Describing -Identify 2-D shapes as parts of 3-D objects in the environment Grade 3 - Describe 3-D objects according to the shape of the faces and the number of edges and vertices
©Marian Small, 2010 For example… How are these alike and different? Raise your hand to share your idea.
©Marian Small, 2010
For example.. Here is a cube. Describe it. What big idea might we be addressing? A: qualitative vs quantitative attributes B: cutting up a shape or building brings out attributes C: 2-D properties like 3-D properties
©Marian Small, 2010
Last big idea How are these shapes different? Raise your hand to share.
©Marian Small, 2010
Yarn shapes Provide 4 children with a piece of string. Ask them to form a square. Ask: What do you have to do to be sure it’s a square? Do you see how this relates to Big Idea 4? Raise your hand to share.
©Marian Small, 2010 Measurement Gr 1 and K focus on comparison based on length or height, mass or volume or covering.
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Which shape is bigger?
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 2 Measure length to the … by using multiple copies of a unit or a single copy of a unit
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Do you think this path is more or less than 20 red Cuisenaire rods long?
©Marian Small, 2010 Task How would you check? How could you check if you had only 2 red rods? Only 1 red rod?
©Marian Small, 2010
Task Susan’s shoe is 8 paper clips long. Marcie’s shoe is 2 pencils long. Do you know whose shoe is longer? What would help you figure it out?
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 3 Relate the passage of time to common activities using non-standard and standard units Demonstrate an understanding of measuring length (cm, m) by: -Selecting and justifying referents for the units cm and m -Estimating length using referents
©Marian Small, 2010 Grade 3 Demonstrate an understanding of measuring mass by: -Selecting and justifying referents for g and kg -Estimating mass using referents
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Close your eyes. I will play some music. I will tell you when 1 minute is up. Then I will play music again. Raise your hand when you think 2 minutes is up.
©Marian Small, 2010 Task This is a metre stick. What else in the room is about that long? How would knowing that help you figure out how far away my desk is from yours?
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Hold this 250 g balance to get a feel for how heavy it is. Now I want your to put 500 g worth of fruit on the balance. Which of these fruits would you use? Why those?
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 2 Relate the size of a unit of measure to the number of units used to measure length and mass
©Marian Small, 2010 Grades 2 and 3 Relate the number of days to a week and… Relate the number of seconds to a minute….
©Marian Small, 2010 Task This can be covered with about 4 identical shapes. What does one of the four shapes look like?
©Marian Small, 2010 Task
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Jeff said that his birthday is 2 weeks away. Andrea said that hers is 12 days away. Do you agree or disagree? Andrea’s birthday is farther away since 12 is more than 2.
©Marian Small, 2010 Cuisenaire rods A table is 8 orange rods long. How many pink rods long will it be? OR How many yellow rods?
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 3 Relate the passage of time to common activities using non-standard and standard units Demonstrate an understanding of measuring length (cm, m) by: -Selecting and justifying referents for the units cm and m -Estimating length using referents
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Read the story The King’s Foot.
©Marian Small, 2010 Task You have to cut a piece of wood to fit a space on the floor. Your dad tells you that the wood should be 4 steps long. What’s the problem?
©Marian Small, 2010
Grade 3 Demonstrate an understanding of perimeter by….
©Marian Small, 2010 Task Two shapes both have a perimeter of 50 cm, but they look a lot different. How could that be? Draw on the next slide what you might expect to see.
©Marian Small, 2010
So… Do you have stories to share about what you tried?