1 MICE CM31 Key schedule drivers for Step IV Schedule table Milestone summary Comment on Step V Step VI Andy Nichols, STFC, 3/11/11
Key Schedule drivers for Step IV Spectrometer solenoids: Very encouraging progress; reassembly is coming on well We have a realistic and achievable delivery schedule All major technical issues appear to be closed MAP and MICE reviews have been signed off Injection of manpower is clearly paying dividends AFC modules: AFC #1 is in final stages of manufacture at Tesla Eng Pressure point is the OVC (outer vacuum can assembly) Coils for both modules wound, experts agree they are very high quality But delivery date has slipped to end February, 2012 This date urgently needs to be reviewed very carefully with Tesla
Key Schedule drivers for Step IV Hall Infrastructure: Floor plates will be complete in Early December, 2011 AFC moving platform is complete and being tested Much work to be done on South Mezzanine, but not critical to Step IV Liquid hydrogen system: Mechanical, civil and electrical installation of system A is essentially complete Major pre-hydrogen operation safety review on October 4 th Went well, formal feedback expected soon This should be the ‘green-light’ for hydrogen testing Stop-press: report received yesterday – looks like it will force the Departmental ‘ownership’ of MICE issue – good news!
MICE Top-Level Project Schedule Step IV Step V Revision date: 30 th October, 2011 Note: items in red text are key schedule drivers Items in orange text are high risk items Items in Green text are complete 4
STEP IV SubsystemDate Spectrometer solenoid #1 + #2June’12 Fibre tracker #1 + #2Ready Focus coil #1Feb’12 LH 2 system ADec ‘11 Solid absorber(s)June ‘12 Liquid absorberReady DiffuserAug’12 Virostek plateFeb. ‘12 Substation upgradeReady EMR installationMay’12 Radiation shutterJune ‘12 AFC Moving platform #1Ready Step IV ready...Q4, 2012
STEP V SubsystemDate Step IV data-taking completeQ Absorber Focus Coil #2Q LH2 system BQ RF AmplifiersQ RF InfrastructureQ Successful test of first CC coilQ RFCC delivery plan complete AFC Moving platform #2Q RFCC Moving platform #1Q ISIS Long shutdown startAug 2014 ISIS Long shutdown endFeb 2015 Step V ready...see later....
7 Milestones prepared by Alan Grant with all latest known data Only look at Step IV please Steps V & VI cannot be predicted until RFCC delivery plan is known
MICE CM31 wrap-up Alain Blondel MICE SCHEDULE update October 2011 V1 STEP I STEP IV Q and 2013 STEP V STEP VI aim: 2016 Run date: EMR run Q2 2012
Comment on Step V First coupling magnet is a key component: First coil has been shipped to US, test plan is taking shape Should be tested by Summer 2012 Represents a major decision point Cryostat and other part drawings should be ready for production readiness review at LBNL in January 2012 Fabrication of cryostat(s) with US vendors is being explored Discussion in early stages of sharing the MICE CC assembly somehow A CC delivery plan, including the above points, is a vital milestone Early guidance on the first magnet’s destination – MuCool or MICE is required before we can plan Until we know the above two questions, we cannot make any firm statement about the delivery of Step V
Step VI Important news: the experiment is now approved financially to Step VI –But it has to fit within a flat-cash profile that implies an extended timescale, for example the third FC arrives in –However, we have an opportunity to review the situation at the completion of Step IV and to request a more aggressive funding profile –As with Step V, it is unwise at this point to publicise any delivery dates that we might not be able to meet
What can TD do? Take an active part in the coupling magnet construction Norbert Collomb and AN are working on that plan It will be presented strongly at the post Step IV review Locally in TD, we must build local expertise in the following: RF engineering Electrical engineering Accelerator engineering Cryogenic support This expertise has to reside at RAL in ASD/TD at Group level somewhere This is an opportunity for TD to get the best out of MICE if it really wishes to It should complement and reinforce the PPD MICE Group We might like to take advantage of any local re-structuring 12