FAA-H A Chapter 14 Centennial Aviation Academy
3 Basic Types of Airspace Controlled (most to least restrictive) A B C D E Uncontrolled G Special Use Prohibited, Restricted, Warning, MOA, Alert and CFA
A picture is worth...
Lets look at Controlled Airspace Basically its airspace in which ATC services are provided Controlled airspace is designed around IFR traffic... But not to worry, VFR wasn’t an afterthought
Take it from the top.... Class A – Remember “Altitude” From FL180 to FL600 For IFR Traffic ONLY (unless you somehow get above 60,000...then it becomes class E again) Reset altimeter to Pressure Altitude (29.92) once crossing 18,000
Class B- Busy Airspace Generally from SFC-10,000AGL but is tailored to airport needs It’s like an upside down wedding cake You need a Mode C transponder and an ATL Clearance Student pilots can only fly into the airspace with an endorsement “Dirty Dozen” AIM Examples: ATL LGA MCO
Class C – “Think Commercial” Generally from the SFC-4,000AGL But they can be tailored Often has 2 “layers” First one is 5nm radius SFC-4000 Second one is from 5nm-10nm 1,200-4,000 You Must Establish ATC communication Have a mode C transponder to fly within and over the airspace Examples: SAV CHA TYS
Class D – “Think Dialogue” Generally from the SFC-2,500AGL But they can be tailored Often has a single “layer” extending 4nm from the airport You Must Establish ATC communication Examples: PDK RYY FTY LZU
Class E- “Everywhere Else” 1,200ft agl unless otherwise shown... Sfc 700 As depicted by the blue zipper 14,500 (found in the Western US) 1,500 AGL W. of longitude 160 ̊0`00” in the Alaskan Peninsula Above FL600 § 71.71, FAA Aeronautical Chart Users Guide and AIM 3-2-6
Class G- “Ground” or “Gov’t Free: Everything that isn’t A, B, C, D or E
Requirements Before we get into airspace entry requirements... Memorize the following... 3sm (statute miles) 1,000 ft above 2,000 horizontal 500 ft below “3 Cessna 152’s” (will be written as) Also memorize “5 F-111” which means 5sm vis. 1,000 above, 1,000 below and 1sm horizontal (written as )
Airspace Vis and Cloud Rules: simplified AirspaceAltitudeConditionVisDistance from Clouds A---- B--3Clear C D--3 E>10, <10, G<1,200 above surfaceDAY1Clear NIGHT ,200-10,000DAY NIGHT >10,
Helpful Airspace Tips You as a VFR pilot are not allowed in class A B is 3 miles vis. and clear of clouds C and D are E below 10,000 is E and G above 10,000 is (anytime you are above 10,000 basically) Anytime you are flying at night in class G Less than 1,200 in class G? 1 mile vis. and clear of clouds 1,200-10,000 in class G? 1 mile vis. and 1-5-2
Airspace Equipment Rqmt’s.
Special Use Airspace AirspaceActivityFlight Allowed ProhibitedNational WelfareNO RestrictedMissiles, Firing etc.Not unless auth. WarningOver water, may be international-extends 12nm from coast of US YES Military Operations Area (MOA)Aircraft dog-fighting, formation flying, abrupt maneuvering etc YES-advise to contact control agency Alter t AreasUnusual activity, high volume flight training etc. YES Controlled Firing Areas (CFA)Blasting, testing of rocket motors etc YES