Report on Invasive Species
Our Task What causes invasive species to spread and become so destructive? You are a biologist working for the State of Texas, and you have been tasked with preparing information on invasive species to be used by legislators to make funding decisions for your department's efforts to combat various invasive species. After reading informational texts on different invasive species, write a brief report in which you relate how invasive species typically are introduced, why they spread, and what types of impacts their spread has on their new environments. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s).
Let’s break it down a bit After reading informational texts on different invasive species, write a brief report in which you relate invasive species typically are introduced, 2.why they spread, 3.and what types of impacts their spread has on their new environments. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). You will work in groups, and each group will write a paragraph for one main section of the report.
How You Will Be Graded
In your journal --In your own words, what are the important features of a good response to this prompt?
Close Reading Each of you has one article to read. Read it closely, annotating for the three topics noted on the right. Actually use the text code in the margin and underline the relevant text for that code. Text Codes to Use as You Read A= arrive Species somehow have to get to the new location. They have to arrive somehow. T= thrive Species not only have to survive by finding a place to live, but they need to thrive-- which means they have to take over a niche, reproduce effectively, and perhaps dominate or drive out other species. D = damage Species that thrive at the expense of other species and their environment cause a lot of damage. The negative effects of this domination can be ecological as well as financial.
Gathering Facts and Reaching Conclusions Get some wall paper, and set it up like the chart on the right.
Gathering Facts and Reaching Conclusions Instructions Start working on FACTS Take turns Each researcher and species expert noting one fact from their article in each of the three areas: Arrive, Thrive, and Damage Assign a group reporter to record down what is noted.
Gathering Facts and Reaching Conclusions Instructions Next work on CONCLUSIONS Examine the list of facts in each category and discuss what they together mean. What sorts of larger conclusions about that aspect of invasive species can you state? This is a generalization you are making from the specific facts.
Composing an Initial Draft Each group works on one section of the report Write a paragraph that – Starts with one to three sentences stating the general conclusions about that feature of invasive species that you all discussed. – Follows with two to four specific examples from your articles that illustrate this general statement you make to open the paragraph. – As you quote or paraphrase information, introduce it by citing where it came from: According to Frank Day, “quote quote quote…”
Peer Review On a note card, respond as a group to your peer’s paragraph focusing on these three questions. Number your responses Comment on the paragraph's opening. Does it provide a good general description of the truth about this aspect of invasive species? 2. Comment on the specific evidence used to show and explain this paragraphs characteristic of invasive species. Does it fit as illuminating elaboration? Is it enough? 3. Notice anything about their phrasing or other aspects of language usage and tone that might be improved.
Final Revision and Editing Review the feedback you received from your peers. Revise any content in your paragraph first. Finally, edit to correct any phrasing or grammatical issues. Read it aloud. Make these final changes, and you are done!