5-yr plans An important tool for a career-life strategy March 14, 2015 PACES Workshop – Job Hunting in Today’s Economy
Background A degree (whether first or entry-level professional) is a starting point for a career… Graduates today are a new generation of employee… ◦ Will average a new job every 4.4 yrs ◦ Have multiple careers before retirement ◦ Have opportunities to work across disciplines and professions ◦ How will your career & job opportunities relate?
What’s a 5-yr plan? Start with an achievable, but challenging, goal ◦ Can be reached in 4-5 yrs with persistence & perseverance ◦ Is related somehow to your desired career trajectory confidence.com/career-development- plan.html confidence.com/career-development- plan.html
Sample plan My Five Year Career Plan - Steve Stevens Plan Period: April 2015 to April 2021 Current Position: Sales Representative Long Term Goal: Sales Manager Goals by Year: ◦ Year one: Increase sales by 3-5% ◦ Year two: Increase sales by 5% or more ◦ Year three: Become the companies top salesman ◦ Year four: Maintain sales title and show consistency ◦ Year five: Become Sales Manager
Draft goals and actions… You should also draft goals and a plan to boost your personal development. For example: ◦ 1. Improve my sales skills Step 1: Increase product knowledge by reading product material 3 nights a week Step 2: Improve customer relations by improving my public speaking skills Step 3: Become a more aggressive salesperson ◦ 2. Improve my relationship with Higher Ups Step 1: Display a positive work ethic and morale when asked to do tasks Step 2: Develop and share strategies to improve problems in the office Step 3: Develop better rapport with boss through small talk
5 steps to follow… Step 1 - Know where you are ◦ What drives you? ◦ What has influenced your career choices? ◦ How did you get to your current track? Educational & professional qualifications Work skills Work experience Interests Hobbies
5 steps Step 2 – Know where you want to be ◦ What’s your career destination? ◦ Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? ◦ If you had the resources, time and connections to find your dream career, what would you be? ◦ How have your qualifications, experience, skills and values served you at work? ◦ If you weren’t hindered by yourself or your situation, who would you be?
Step 3 – Know what it will take to get there (aka ‘reality testing’) ◦ Are you prepared to make changes and sacrifices if you have to? Step 4 – Put it in print ◦ Set out the ‘big picture’ and all the detailed in- between action steps ◦ If it seems too big, chunk it down ◦ Monitor outcomes of your actions ‘Smart’ goal setting Step 5 – Remember Nike’s ad slogan…
Yoda had it right…”Do, there is no try” ◦ There is no substitute for doing
Final tips If achieving goals on your own is tough, consider using a career coach or advisor Career development is an organic, growing process ◦ Not very linear ◦ Involves false starts and dead ends ◦ Needs attention, nurturing and time to grow ◦ Can be a rewarding journey, whether or not you arrive at your destination