IAB & DwB WP4 (Eu-RAN) David Schiller (IAB) Lausanne, Workshop on Accreditation for Transnational Access to Official Microdata for Research Purposes, March 20, 2014
German Labour Market Data Research Data Centre (FDE) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Located in Nuremberg.
Data of FDZ of BA at IAB
Data Access at FDZ of BA at IAB We are somehow irresolute; we do everything: 1.Public Use / Campus files for free download 2.Scientific Use Files for restricted download 3.Job submission for highly detailed data 4.Guest stay in Nuremberg for highly detailed data 5.Secure Remote Desktop for highly detailed data (Safe Centre approach)
Trust at FDZ of BA at IAB - institution UKDA and IAB currently work on contract template to act as safe centre host/data holder and vice versa -> IAB data at Colchester; some UK Data at Nuremberg. Template should next be checked by CASD, Paris, Gesis, Cologne, and CBS, The Hague. Goal: Template for an institution contract that works for everybody in Europe.
Trust at FDZ of BA at IAB - researchers 1.Non-commercial empirical research Institution (what is non-commercial) 2.Person that can sign contracts in the name of the institution 3.Valid project (e.g. cannot be done with other data; is related to labour market issues) 4.Good behaving (leading) researcher 5.And his team. Final GO comes from the ministry! Breaches of contract: 1.Hit the institution (and subsequently the researcher and his team) 2.When moving to another institution project and attached team need new contract Therefore two important units – trusted institutions (research entities) and trusted researchers – are needed.
The Future of Accreditation for FDZofBAatIAB? As far as possible standardized accreditation content and procedure. Centralized information about institutions, researchers and projects. Delegation of tasks and responsibilities would be possible. At the same time need to remain control (we are still responsible for our the confidential data). Automatisations within the process would also be possible. All this based on trust, agreements, ongoing discussions and possibilities to justify the trust (controls).
DwB Improving Access to Microdata (Eu-RAN)
Single Point of Access (SPA) Service Hub Web portal User Account Management Digital Rights Management Researcher CV / Passport Online submission system Information Platform Datasets available Variable level documentation Accreditation Data Access Trusted researcher Research entities Virtual Research Environment Collaborative work Data Access Remote Desktop Job submission Output MiCoCe Data Storage (general) Data Storage (project) Grid Computing Additional Service
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