O BJECTIVES To provide tips for locating information on marketing and promotion. To locate Adage.com website. To provide key concept terms for searching. To provide a correct APA citation for the material located.
P ROMOTION This tutorial will be somewhat different than previous tutorials because I will only provide suggestions for locating information on marketing promotion. Unfortunately sites which previously provided information free of charge are now not cost free. However, this tutorial will suggest ways you can research on your own to locate marketing information on your industry.
A D A GE. COM ? AdAge.com is one source of excellent information for marketing. I will be showing you how to navigate the site, however they now charge for their products and we will not require you to pay for this information. The site contains information which could be useful in your career if you are in marketing. Open your Internet Browser and type in the URL –
W HAT NEXT ? To begin our research, we will click on Data Center on the left side scroll bar.
A ND NOW ? We have a few choices here. Please notice the disclaimer which I have circled. The arrow points to a report we might like to see. However, when we click on the report, check what we get.
M ARKETERS /A DVERTISERS If we click on “100 Leading National Advertisers,” we unfortunately get the screen below. Money, money, money!
A LL IS NOT LOST ! If we click on Books and Other Library Materials, we will find that UWF has access to Advertising Age which is the journal produced of the website articles.
A DVERTISING A GE Type in the title of the journal. Make sure that you change the search type to Journal Title, then click Search.
A DVERTISING A GE The journal we want is the first record. If we click on the Find It button, we will see which databases contain full text articles from the journal.
A DVERTISING A GE The journal is available from a number of databases, however, I would like for us to use Lexis-Nexis for our search. So click on GO.
L EXIS - NEXIS Type 100 leading national advertisers in the search box and click Search. Notice that we are only searching in the source Advertising Age.
L EXIS - NEXIS There are a number of good articles. Notice that the actual report 100 Leading National Advertisers is not listed. They have to get you to sign up on the Website somehow.
M EDIA W ORKS ? Looking back at the Adage.com site, we can click on MediaWorks to look at media related news and articles. However when you find an article you would like to read, you need to register (free), so if you see something special, register.
O THER IDEAS Please look through some of the other FREE reports available here to see if there is anything applicable for your industry. There are other ideas for locating marketing information for your industry: Industry association websites Company websites
A SSOCIATIONS Go to your industry associations and look for headings that contain facts and figures, marketing, promotion, retail, or similar terms..
S PENDING AND S AVING M ONEY Here is a report from the fmi.org site that contains some information about trends in marketing and sales.
C ITATION FROM D ATABASE This would be the correct form for citing the article: Food Marketing Institute. (2005). Spending and saving money. Food Marketing Website. Retrieved April 12, 2005 from Notice that the Institute is the author and the Retrieved from statement actually contains the URL from the information itself.
K ROGER Using Google, or your favorite search engine, look for your companies’ Websites. I usually look at the information about the company first.
K ROGER After digging around the site a bit, I located this information about brands. The report also provides a lot of marketing information, especially trends and what they market in Florida.
C ITATION FROM D ATABASE This would be the correct form for citing the article: Kroger Company. (2005). Corporate brands. Kroger Website. Retrieved April 12, 2005 from c4.pdf c4.pdf
W HAT ABOUT G ALE ? Gale is one more source for marketing information as you can locate media information for different media formats. From the library homepage, go to the databases and click on “G” and select Gale’s Ready Reference Shelf. Since we have done this many times, I am going to go directly to the database rather than step you through it!
G ALE R EADY R EFERENCE The best search strategy for our purposes seems to be the Free Text search, so let’s click on that icon.
G ALE R EADY R EFERENCE I have typed media and Pensacola in the Free-Text search box. Now click Search.
G ALE R EADY R EFERENCE This list shows all of the different media sources for Pensacola. Let’s look at WABB-FM.
WABB-FM This provides contact information for us if we would like to advertise on this channel. You might also take a look at the Ad rates.
C ITATION FROM D ATABASE This would be the correct form for citing this information: WABB-FM. (2005). Retrieved March 30, 2009 from Gale Ready Reference Shelf.
T HANK Y OU Thank you for viewing this tutorial. I hope that it will help you locate marketing information for your industry. Make sure that you take the practice quiz to receive full participation points © Donna Fluharty