Bring Success in 2013 15 Beliefs. You don’t have to wait for someone to accept, to promote, to select... to somehow "discover." Access is nearly unlimited;


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Presentation transcript:

Bring Success in Beliefs

You don’t have to wait for someone to accept, to promote, to select... to somehow "discover." Access is nearly unlimited; You can publish your own work, distribute your own music, create your own products. You can do almost anything you want--and you don't need to wait for someone else to discover your talents. The only thing holding you back is your willingness to try. # 1 : I can choose myself.

Success is never assured. Only in hindsight does it appear that way. If you're willing to work hard and persevere, who you are is more than enough. Don't measure yourself against other people. Pick a goal and measure yourself against that goal. That's the only comparison that matters. # 2 : Success is inevitable only in hindsight.

# 3 : I may not be first... but I can always be last. Success is often the result of perseverance. When others give up, leave, stop trying, or compromise their principles and values, the last person left is often the person who wins. Sometimes it makes sense to give up on ideas, projects, and even businesses--but it never makes sense to give up on yourself. You can always be the last to give up on yourself.

# 4 : I will do one thing every day that no one else is willing to do. Just one. Even if it's simple. Even if it's small. Do one thing every day. After a week, you'll be uncommon. After a month, you'll be special. After a year, you will be remarkable.

# 5 : Strategy is important, but execution is everything. Develop an idea. Create a strategy. Set up a rudimentary system of operations. Then execute, adapt, execute some more, and build a solid operation based on what works. Success isn't built on strategy. Success is built through execution. Remarkably successful people focus on executing remarkably well.

# 6 : Work comes first. Payoff comes later. Successful people earn promotions by first working harder. Successful people earn bigger payoffs by first working hard, well before any potential return is in sight. Most people expect to be compensated more before they will even consider working harder. Remarkably successful people see compensation as the reward for exceptional effort, not the driver.

# 7 : The problems I face are opportunities. The problems and challenges you face are not there to stop you. Their purpose is to bring your commitment to the surface where it can come wholly and forcefully to life. The challenges that are the most difficult are often the ones that create the greatest positive difference. The only question is: Are you willing to do what it takes?

# 8 : What’s important is creating value. Do something you are proud of. Get in the habit of creating real value, and you won’t feel the need to take anything away from others. To be truly effective be sincere and helpful. Find satisfaction and fulfillment in making a difference and pulling all of life forward with you.

# 9 : I can’t anticipate everything, and that’s okay. There’s much you can gain by planning and preparing, by anticipating what is most likely to happen and being ready for it. Yet there is no reason to be paralyzed by over-thinking and endless worry. And no matter how well you plan, not everything can be anticipated anyway, and that’s actually a good thing.

# 10 : My fears are often an indication that something is worth doing. Do not to be afraid of your fears. Your fears are not here to scare you; they’re here to let you know that something you’re thinking about and considering is worth doing. If you always feel afraid, it means that there are lots of things worth doing – lots of worthy options called opportunities. It’s time to pick one and take a chance.

# 11 : Passions and goals must be self-set. Just because someone tells you that you can’t do something doesn’t mean you have to let their opinion become your reality. So take a stand right now and say this to yourself out loud: “It is OK for me to think about and identify what I want for myself.” If you live by this statement, remarkable things will take place in your life.

# 12 : My time is sacred. Maybe for you there’s a tomorrow. Maybe you have so much time ahead of you that you can afford to spend it frivolously and foolishly without losing sleep. There’s a whole lifetime worth of minutes you can waste. Maybe…But maybe not. For some of us – perhaps for you or someone you love – there’s only today. And the truth is, you never really know.

# 13 : Perfection is a fantasy. Judge less, love more. Flaws are features. You don’t know a single perfect person, they don’t exist. Who you do know are a bunch of flawed people who are still worth appreciating and loving. If you try to avoid people for their little idiosyncrasies and shortcomings, this world will be a lonely place for you.

# 14 : Positive results are the outcome of positive daily actions. Do something that makes you proud. Start walking the talk. Make your strategic plan: DOING THINGS THAT MATTER! You don’t need a new year to make a change; all you need is today. Make this the moment you start changing your life.

# 15 : I am 100% responsible for my life. That means moving past what’s easy and accepting that you’re going to have to do things for yourself. Perhaps life has given you a burden you don’t deserve. Instead of seeing this as an excuse to give up, see it as an opportunity to take charge and give it all you’ve got. You are stronger and more capable than you think.

Success is an attitude that comes from a framework of powerful beliefs and empowering thoughts. Because what you think and believe about your life largely determines how you feel (your attitude), what actions you take (your behavior), and what you achieve (the end result). Happy New Year my friends. Sompong Yusoontorn