The Future of the Weather Event Simulator (WES) and NWS Case Playback and Simulation Capabilities Michael Magsig 12 Weather Event Simulator Project Lead 1 Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) 2 also affiliated with NOAA’s Warning Decision Training Branch (WDTB)
OutlineOutline 1.WES BackgroundBackground 2.Future Releases WES5.0 (July 2005)WES5.0 (July 2005) WES6.0+ (October 2005)WES6.0+ (October 2005) 3.Integration into AWIPS Baseline
Components of WES WES softwareWES software –Essentially a data pump and AWIPS interface –Developed/maintained by CIMMS/WDTB (not AWIPS) due to unfulfilled Requirements White Papers AWIPS SoftwareAWIPS Software –Repackaged from official AWIPS release CDs –*FSL recompiles some code for WarnGen to work on flat files WES softwareWES software –Essentially a data pump and AWIPS interface –Developed/maintained by CIMMS/WDTB (not AWIPS) due to unfulfilled Requirements White Papers AWIPS SoftwareAWIPS Software –Repackaged from official AWIPS release CDs –*FSL recompiles some code for WarnGen to work on flat files Offline Linux Workstation Archived Weather Case and Training Linux AWIPS WES Software +++
WESSLWESSL WES Scripting LanguageWES Scripting Language –Trigger non- AWIPS data in a simulation –Images, video, maps, queries Beginning of new learning/evaluation toolsBeginning of new learning/evaluation tools WES Scripting LanguageWES Scripting Language –Trigger non- AWIPS data in a simulation –Images, video, maps, queries Beginning of new learning/evaluation toolsBeginning of new learning/evaluation tools
AWIPS Simulation Functionality in WES Warngen D2D: radar, satellite, LAPS, MSAS notifications SCAN SCIT Table and DMD FFMP
WES5.0 Features AWIPS OB5AWIPS OB5 –TDWR, new FSL DMD display, etc AWIPS OB5AWIPS OB5 –TDWR, new FSL DMD display, etc *OB5.0 Drawbacks *OB5.0 Drawbacks –FFMP, SCAN, and DMD data all changed format in OB5 –Must recreate all old data sets *OB5.0 Drawbacks *OB5.0 Drawbacks –FFMP, SCAN, and DMD data all changed format in OB5 –Must recreate all old data sets
WES5.0 Features WESWES –15 second processing better simulates radar tilts –“enhanced_case_review” application –Starts AWIPS decoders needed to enable fully functioning FFMP/SCAN tables in case review mode (no simulation) –Misc bug fixes and minor improvements WESWES –15 second processing better simulates radar tilts –“enhanced_case_review” application –Starts AWIPS decoders needed to enable fully functioning FFMP/SCAN tables in case review mode (no simulation) –Misc bug fixes and minor improvements
WES6.0+WES6.0+ GFE/GHGGFE/GHG –Replay archived grids –Develop ways to archive grids –D2D and GFE in sync GFE/GHGGFE/GHG –Replay archived grids –Develop ways to archive grids –D2D and GFE in sync
WES6.0+WES6.0+ ORPGORPG –Level II data from NCDC as input –First implementation to allow creation of products for case generation –Future versions integrate into simulations –Cross sections –Experimental algorithms ORPGORPG –Level II data from NCDC as input –First implementation to allow creation of products for case generation –Future versions integrate into simulations –Cross sections –Experimental algorithms
WES6.0+WES6.0+ Hydrological AppsHydrological Apps –If WES integrates Postgres –RFC “SHARE” –WFO hydro apps Hydrological AppsHydrological Apps –If WES integrates Postgres –RFC “SHARE” –WFO hydro apps
WES6.0+WES6.0+ Future evaluation toolsFuture evaluation tools
Integration Into AWIPS Baseline “DRT” Displaced Real Time“DRT” Displaced Real Time –Voted #1 priority in New Science category for OB5 AWIPS development –Project abandoned in OB5-7 AWIPS SREC: OB8AWIPS SREC: OB8 –Back on AWIPS SREC list –First must survive OSIP “DRT” Displaced Real Time“DRT” Displaced Real Time –Voted #1 priority in New Science category for OB5 AWIPS development –Project abandoned in OB5-7 AWIPS SREC: OB8AWIPS SREC: OB8 –Back on AWIPS SREC list –First must survive OSIP
Parting Thoughts WES platform can be used for technology and training infusionWES platform can be used for technology and training infusion CIMMS/WDTB will continue to develop AWIPS training capabilities in WES until AWIPS baseline develops themCIMMS/WDTB will continue to develop AWIPS training capabilities in WES until AWIPS baseline develops them Can start to close the gap between training version and real-time version if AWIPS establishes training functionality into infrastructureCan start to close the gap between training version and real-time version if AWIPS establishes training functionality into infrastructure –Data backward compatibility –Old and new functionality WDTB longer term future focus more on high-level learning and evaluation toolsWDTB longer term future focus more on high-level learning and evaluation tools WES platform can be used for technology and training infusionWES platform can be used for technology and training infusion CIMMS/WDTB will continue to develop AWIPS training capabilities in WES until AWIPS baseline develops themCIMMS/WDTB will continue to develop AWIPS training capabilities in WES until AWIPS baseline develops them Can start to close the gap between training version and real-time version if AWIPS establishes training functionality into infrastructureCan start to close the gap between training version and real-time version if AWIPS establishes training functionality into infrastructure –Data backward compatibility –Old and new functionality WDTB longer term future focus more on high-level learning and evaluation toolsWDTB longer term future focus more on high-level learning and evaluation tools