Beyond 3G-324M Conversational Services Andrea Basso System Architect NMS Communications
Desktop Video terminals Video streaming media server WEB content renderer IETF/SIP 3GPP/SIP H.323 Video conferencing system H.323 Video phones 3G-324M 64 kbps video phones 3G /2G network Video mail system 3G-324M-SIP gateway 3G-324M-H.323 gateway IP 2.5 G Phones MMS 3G-324M-RTSP gateway SIP Video phones Media adaptation (MMS,web,..) Video/audio transcoders Gateways Streaming Mobile Video services Messaging PC Conferencing
Video servicesCharacteristicsTechnologyApplication Areas Conversational Services (Point-to-Point, Multipoint) Low latency Real time QoS Full-duplex 3G3G Location-based services Business applications Medical applications Remote shopping Video Messaging High latency Bi-directional Half-duplex 2.5G/3G Video Video greetings Video IM Video Streaming High latency Unidirectional Half-duplex 2.5G/3G Location-based services Non-interactive games Video/clips on Demand Increasing complexity Mobile Video Services characteristics
Role of 3G-324M in Mobile Video Services 3G-324M is becoming the protocol of choice and the wireless multimedia and video services enabler Carriers and application service providers are relying on 3G-324M for a variety of communication and entertainment service scenarios Point-to-point and multipoint video telephony Wireless to wireline (IP) video Video enabled instant messaging and chat Videoconferencing Remote monitoring and surveillance Video streaming Video mail/video call answering Multimedia real-time gaming
3G-324M Video Call Answering/Messaging 3G-324M Phones 3G- 324M Video Mail system Message Recording and Retrieval among 3G phones with different codecs Transcoding Media Adaptation MMSC PSTN 2.5G Phone Voic Server WEB Server Cable Head End Codec A Codec B Support for Heterogeneous Terminals Message store
Streaming Gateway Streaming Server RTSP Nr: Nr: Nr: Call for camera 1 Call for Video 1 HotSpots 3G-324M Streaming Gateway Scenarios 3G-324M IP
Characteristics Playback of multiple bitstreams coded differently I.e. advertising and video clips Comparable user experience on heterogeneous terminals PDAs, wireless video phones, set-top boxes, desktop PCs Translation of the signaling Adaptation to the different media content (H.263/MPEG-4/H.264 …) Playback of multiple video clips in different coding formats in the same call with apriori knowledge 3G-324M is a natural choice for video call answering Voic analogy Comparable user experience on heterogeneous terminals PDAs, wireless video phones, set-top boxes, desktop PCs, text-only devices, audio-only devices Translation of the signaling Adaptation to the different media content (H.263/MPEG-4/H.264 …) Playback of multiple prompts and messages in different coding formats in the same call without apriori knowledge STREAMINGVIDEO CALL ANSWERING LOGICAL CHANNEL PromptMessage 1 Message N
Issues 3G-324M terminals characteristics have different media coding capabilities (H-263 and MPEG-4 today) Variations of bitstream characteristics inside the same coding format (H.263/MPEG-4) MPEG-4 RVLC/DP, H.263 baseline and profile 3 Close/open logical channels introduces an unnatural delay (1, 2 seconds)
More… Codec control commands and stored content Flow control,Video fast update request There is not remote codec to control VCR-like functions in message playback Require bitstreams coded with random access characteristics Clarifications needed in the standard Inband signaling for H.263 and MPEG-4 IF2 AMR on the link IF1 AMR in storage (I.e. 3GPP.3gp) ….
Solution: Always-on Transcoding PROS: Provides Bitstream random access Bitstream will be re-encoded with regular I-frames Codec control commands Transcoder will support video fast update and flow control CONS: Expensive Requires intense media processing Quality issues Iteration Picture type preservation Recoding Delta PSNR (dB) CAN WE DO BETTER THAN THIS?
The Smart Alternative Bitstream differences Support inband signaling to handle variations in the video bitstreams Clarify the standard Transcode only when necessary I.e H.263 to MPEG-4 Only a part of the total traffic will need transcoding Random access Messaging : video fast updates requests in recording to allow random access in playback Streaming: by definition should provide random access
More… Error Resilience Rely on the video bitstream tools for error resilience Advantages Cheaper Less transcoding Better quality Content is delivered in its ‘original’ format whenever possible
Conclusions 3G-324M is playing a key role in enabling wireless multimedia and video. Needs ‘fine tuning’ to optimal support of streaming and messaging services. Key role of the interoperability tests and IMTC to get a common agreement on the implementation of the functionalities