Strategies for Open and Permanent Access to Scientific Information in Latin America: Focus on Health and Environmental Information for Sustainable Development Atibaia May Brasil Victor E. Miyakawa Peruvian Amazonia Research Institute
SIAMAZONIA: A response to the challenge of managing and effectively using biodiversity information in the Peruvian Amazonia
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia
Key questions What are the current challenges and barriers to providing open and permanent access to data and information in this field? What are some of the most promising existing models or mechanisms for providing such access? Identify one or more potential realistic cooperative activities in Latin America for subsequent discussion at the breakout session.
Challenges & Barriers Weak information policies Lack of local capacities Only-child syndrome (my, mine & myself) Collaboration (bucket of crabs) Lack of strong political & technical uses of info Weak information culture Access to information= Internet
Promising existing model Global Biodiversity Information Facility - GBIF Contributes to develop local capacities Its inclusive, not exclusive Decentralization builds confidence
Océano Pacifico Colombia Ecuador Brasil Chile Bolivia Promising existing model SIAMAZONIA ( Local capacities at work Decentralized Inclusive, not exclusive Legal framework Traditional means of communication Practical uses of information (still developing)
SIAMAZONIA Web site promAmazonía Web site Intergovernment Web site
Species and Ecosystems
Amazonian culture and ethnic groups
Map server
GIS metadata
Información regional
Native languages XML dbase
Promising mechanisms Amazonian Basin Biodiversity Information Facility - ABBIF Country driven initiative Decentralized Key biodiversity Design to build/improve local capacity Strong commitment Focuses on use of information
Lessons learned Users + sources = Diversity of methods for information access and dissemintation Information sharing requires: –Mutual benefits –Properly credit sources –Transparency –Legal framework
Lessons learned Contributes to answer key processes National Biodiversity Strategy Implementation: Implementación, avances, etc Biocommerce: Recursos, limitaciones, tecnologías, dossier cientifico Climate change: Adaptation y mitigation Information society Land zoning and planning Intellectual property rights
Lessons learned Quality, cost, quick implementation (pick two of them) Multidisciplinary Information access Valuing information Information culture increases Information society
Thank you Obrigado