How to Use Your Safari Montage
What this presentation will cover: How to Access and create a Shortcut for Safari Montage How to Log In How to Navigate your Dashboard How to Search for Videos How to Play your video How to Search through Core Curriculum content How to Create a Playlist How to Organize Playlists How to Bookmark video content How to Play a Playlist How to Share a Playlist More Help
How to Access Safari Montage Enter safari.<your school>.local into your Internet Explorer Address Bar. Example: safari.camnet.local To create a shortcut on your desktop: Drag the Safari Montage Icon on the address bar to your desktop. Now you can just double click the new desktop icon to get to the Safari Montage login page in the future.
Logging In Enter your login name and password at the prompt. If there is a message reading “The Safari Montage Player was not detected”, contact your IT personnel and they can install the player for you. The media player is required to use Safari Montage.
The Dashboard Where your Montage experience starts! Navigation Bar Whose playlists you are currently displaying. Selected Video Your most recent playlists Your most recent videos Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Dashboard! Available Digital Video Streams Available Internet Video Streams
The Navigation Bar How to get around in Safari Montage. Dashboard - Your “Home Page” Search – Here, you can use search terms to locate videos in the video library. Subjects – This is where you can browse for video content by topic Standards - Here you can search for the State Standards and Core Curriculum. Playlists - To create and organize your playlists. Modules - Displays the available add-ons for Safari Montage. Preferences - Accesses settings to alter how Safari Montage works for you. Help - Anything and everything you might need to know about Safari Montage.
Starts a tutorial video on how to use the search tool! The Search Page The place to go to find your video! Enter your search keywords here. Checkmark each media type you want to search for. Gives helpful search hints until you start a search. Then this area shows the search results. Checkmark special restrictions you want put on the movies found. Starts a tutorial video on how to use the search tool!
“Did I Find What I’m Looking For?” After the Search or “Did I Find What I’m Looking For?” With these tabs, you can select the type of media you want to see from the search results. Shows the Digital Media Publisher for this video content. Here the first result is listed. You can scroll through the search results with this scroll bar. Under some videos, chapters are listed for the video (which can be added to a playlist or watched independently)
Playing the Video This + adds the video to our ACTIVE playlist. Note that this particular video is Closed Captioned for the Hearing Impaired. This arrow starts the video playing. When you press the play arrow, the Safari Montage system takes you back to a pseudo Dashboard and starts your video. You can also choose to play a specific chapter, in which case it will start the video at the beginning of that chapter, and then continue to the end of the video. NOTE: More playback options are available when a movie is played from the Search Tab instead of the Dashboard Tab.
How Do I Control My Video? “Control! Control! You MUST learn Control!” – Yoda, Jedi Master There are a LOT of options available for controlling your viewing experience, so we’ll take this in steps. You can use this scrub bar to scan (or scrub) through the video to any point. VCR or DVD player style controls to Play, Stop, Skip to the Next Chapter or Skip to the Previous Chapter. We’ll cover Bookmarking in another section. Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Video Viewer tool! This link will take you to a list of the Arizona State Standards, showing which standards this video correlates to. There is a Quiz associated with this video that you can have your students take.
Video Playback Control Continued This button will allow you to adjust the speed from .7x to 2.5x normal speed. Use this sound tool to increase, decrease, or mute the video’s playback sound. This icon will make the movie full screened, without any bars. To end this mode, press the ESC key. Click here to watch your video in a new window and full screen. Many videos have different playback options which will be displayed here. This video is Closed Captioned. You can click this button to show the captioning. Press this button to add this movie to your current active Playlist. We’ll cover Playlists later in the tutorial.
Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Standards tool! Core Curriculum Stuff My Student Body Needs Anyway! How do you find videos that work with the Common Core and State Standards: Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Standards tool! Choose a Document Type (this can be Common Core, State, or even ALL) Select the Standards Set you want (is this for Math? Science? Literacy?) Choose your grade range (from Kindergarten to Adult) Press search! It’s really THAT easy!
What’s in My Core Search Results? What you get is a list of the skills required by the state or country for the grade levels in your search. Select any entry, you’ll get the specifics for the skill requirements and you’ll get a nice surprise!
Where’s My Core Entry Surprise? First, you get a description of each skill the student needs to know, written out in a (generally) easy to understand format. But more importantly, you get a list of videos that align with almost each and every skill! Click on one of those sweet little blue links and you get: Hint: It’s right here!
Haven’t I Been Here Before? (Yes, yes you have.) We are right back at that handy, dandy search page. This time, the results are videos that align with the skill we chose. What’s a time saver!
How to Create a Playlist The first time you click the Playlist Tab, you’ll see something like this: Click here to start a new Playlist Use this search to search through playlists. This menu allows you to organize your playlists in folders, as well as change between searching YOUR playlists, searching the SCHOOL’S playlists, and searching ALL Playlists. Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Playlist tools! Let’s create a new Playlist.
Time to Play . . . List 1. Give your playlist a title. (It sounded better in my head) 1. Give your playlist a title. 2. What subject is this playlist for? 3. With the Grade Ranges, you can choose what grades your playlist is listed under for any playlist searches. 4. Write comments about your playlist. Why was it created? What is it trying to teach? What inspired it? 5. The default folder for your playlists is “My Playlists”. You can change to another folder if you have created one on the Playlist main page. 6. Do you want to share this playlist? 7. Save your playlist!
Adding Videos to My Playlist Remember this? Let’s look closer: Any movie you search for has the ‘+’ sign above it. You can click the ‘+’ to add it to your ACTIVE playlist, and it will appear at the bottom of the list. You can also add chapters from videos to your playlist.
That ACTIVE Word Looks Sketchy . . . Videos are added only to your ACTIVE playlist. This means if you want to add a video to a non-active playlist, you will have to make that playlist active. The top Playlist is ACTIVE. To make another playlist ACTIVE, just click on its title. Clicking on the title not only makes it ACTIVE, but it also brings you to the playlist’s organization screen. Just in time for the next question:
How Do I Organize My Playlist? Teachers, you can add Quizzes to your Playlists. Starts a tutorial video on how to use the Playlist Playback tools! Up and Down arrows allow you to move videos and clips closer to the top or bottom of your playlist. The playlist plays from top to bottom.
What was that Bookmarking Thing Again? You can also add segments of a video to your playlists. Even better, you can choose where the segment starts and where it ends. Use this video clock to determine what your start at end times should be set to. Start Point: The time your segment will start. End Point: The time your segment will end. Save to Playlist: Saves the segment with the current start point and end point to your ACTIVE playlist. Preview Segment: Plays video from the current start point to the current end point. Bookmark Controls
How Do I Play My Playlist? or “There are different ways to play?!” Automatic runs the traditional way: From start to finish with no pauses. Manual opens a new full screen window with a previous and next option at the bottom. It will play the first movie and stop. You will have to press next to start the next video in the playlist. Manual Playback “Slide show” controls
I Give My Work to the World! How to Share Your Playlist There are lots of opportunities to share your Playlist. In the Playlist Tab’s list of playlists: When you create the playlist: In each playlist’s organization screen: Once you share your playlist, it is shared with everyone who logs into the server. When they do a search, your playlist can be one of their results (especially if they search by its name).
Where Can I Get More Help? There is a Help Tab in the navigation bar which takes you to a listing of many topics you may want more information on. There is also a tutorial button on most pages that will start a video tutorial on how to use that page. If you have more technical questions, you can contact Safari Tech Support at: