StarCenter An Inbound Contact Center Solution Copyright © 2014, Star2Star Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Star2Star is a registered trademark of Star2Star Communications, LLC. All logos and company names are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies.
Options For Star2Star Contact Centers StarCenter Contact Center solution with Reporting for Multiple Sites and Queues, multiple agents, Skills and Best Match Routing Options, CallerID Routing. StarView Analytics Tool for Real-Time views (custom) and extensive historical reporting options available including scheduled. SnapShot Real-Time display of key metrics Call Recording Cloud based inbound call recording with easy search, playback and download capabilities. Outbound and inbound recording available via StarBox CR CCM (Note) For installations exceeding 100 concurrent agents at a single office location or 200 concurrent agents across the enterprise, contact Pre-sales Engineering for in-depth requirements, discovery and comprehensive solution design
StarCenter Key Features Single soft key Login and Logout Agent “Away” / Unavailable Status / Reason Codes Advanced Ring Strategies (including skills based) Multiple Action Keys Flexible Announcements (4 Types) Enhanced Queue / Agent Reporting Multi-Queue Monitor StarView for Enhanced Display Analytics of Real-Time and Historical Reports Queue Specific Music / Message On Hold Administrative Monitor / Barge In / Whisper 9 Levels of Failover CallerID Routing Inbound Cloud Based Call Recording SMART Feature
StarCenter Monitoring Alerting & Reporting Tool Overview/Feature Description Busy Call Center Managers do not always have time to stayed glued to wallboards / queue and agent monitor screens or indeed could be at lunch, on break, in a team meeting or traveling. So who monitors the Call Center for performance / conformance? SMART (StarCenter Monitoring Alerting & Reporting Tool) is the answer. By utilizing this tool it allows them to monitor system conformance to a series of pre defined parameters without the need to constantly watch monitors. Call Center managers know instinctively on a daily basis how their system and agents should perform. So if they are performing to their expectations why sit looking at a monitor waiting for something to happen? I am sure they have better things to do!! Here's how it works: For specific metrics e.g. Agent Talk Time, Agent Away Time, Agents Available, Calls In Progress, Calls in Queue, Logged in Agents, Longest Queued Time etc, we provide the customer with the ability to set parameters for each of those data elements i.e. how their system should perform. The system does the rest and monitors conformance to those parameters. If an "Exception" occurs then an alarm is triggered and a notification email / SMS is sent to selected individuals.
StarCenter Monitoring – Alerting & Reporting Tool Example alert for longest queue time: Select alert type Select a single queue or series to report on Choose threshold for alert Enter in email addresses or SMS/MMS address How often alerts should be sent during exception Resend alerts during exception Send notice once an exception is cleared Label alert for future reference Enter email address(s) comma delimited or one per line
StarCenter Monitoring Alerting & Reporting Tool Display configured alerts:
StarCenter Monitoring Alerting & Reporting Tool Alert data elements available: Specific Agent Data: Agent talk time Agent away time Live queue data: Agent available Calls in progress Calls in queue Logged in agents Longest queued time Alert Email Example: Calls In Progress: The Calls In Progress threshold of [My CIP Alert 1] is > 1 call(s). Queue 1 [222225] is currently at 2 call(s). Agent Away Time: The Agent Away Time threshold of [My AAW Alert 1] is > 100 second(s). Rob P. [1001] is currently at 105 second(s). Logged In Agents: The Logged In Agents threshold of [My LIA Alert 1] is < 1 agent(s). Queue Test [404040] is currently at 0 agent(s).
StarCenter Monitoring – Alerting & Reporting Tool Alert data elements available: Specific Agent Data: Agent talk time Agent away time Live queue data: Agent available Calls in progress Calls in queue Logged in agents Longest queued time SMS/MMS Examples
StarCenter Monitoring Alerting & Reporting Tool Running an Exception Report: The StarCenter SMART feature also provides historical reporting capabilities as well as real time exception monitoring. This is particularly useful for trend analysis.
StarCenter Manager Building your contact center: Agents: Build agent details Skills: Set requisite skill levels for skills based routing Overview: Displays an overview of each queue Alerts: Build SMART / Exception alerts Options: Set Tome Zone, DST, Agent login delivery pause (delays calls to agent at login), Reason Codes for “After Call” or “Not Ready” states
Flexible Queue Options Internal Direct Dial - use to access the queue from a local phone Display queue name – what the Agent sees Ring Strategy (6 available) – determine how calls will ring the queue • Round Robin • Skill Based • Best Match • Ring All • Least Recent • Random Skills – select appropriate skill for Queue. Skills configured in StarCenter Manager Record Calls to this Queue – call recording feature on/off Auto-Answer Calls to this Queue – calls answered automatically when presented to an agent
Flexible Queue Options, Continued Queue Ring Time - maximum period of time a call can remain in queue Exit When Empty** - calls will be directed Failover Options if no Agents logged in Max on Hold** - determine max # calls allowed on hold in the queue. When parameter is exceeded calls are directed to Failover Options Music on Hold Playlist - Queue specific Music / Message on Hold Agent Timeout - determine how long each agents phone will ring for Wrap-up Time - determine what period of time is allowed for agent administrative tasks prior to receiving further calls. Use 0 if not required Missed Calls Logout - number of calls agent can miss prior to being automatically logged out Ring Back on Entry - play ringing to the caller for a brief interval prior to starting MOH Action Keys - set 0-9 action key options for callers to select when queuing Message - record queue message on the fly or upload mp3 or wav file ** if enabled set specific failover actions if required
Options For Call Distribution To Agents Skills Based and Best Match Call Routing Available Options for routing and distributing calls based on workload, skill requirements (Language or Specialized Programs), staffing levels
StarCenter – Ring Strategies Determining the best ring strategy for your queue The system provides several different options for ringing agents in a queue. These are known as “Ring Strategies”:
Call Distribution: Skills Based Skills based routing allow queues to target specific agents Agents with low skill levels will be the least likely to receive calls Skills go from 10, highest agents get calls first, to 1 lowest agents get calls last Note: Feature not available in StarCenter Lite.
Call Distribution: Best Match Calls are placed to the Agent in the queue with the highest ranking skill for that queue. If that agent is busy the system will hold the caller in the queue for a pre-defined period of time until the highest skilled agent is available. If the timeout expires, the system will place the call to the next highest ranked Agent. If there are equal skills, the agent with the earliest received call time (least recent) will receive the next call. Note: Feature not available in StarCenter Lite.
Music / Message On Hold Different source can be set for each queue Multiple file file formats can be uploaded and organized into playlists Announcements for specific programs • Health Advice – “Have you had your flu shot?” • Directions – Detailed directions to your location • Support Options – Leave a message requesting a call-back
Position and Wait Time Announcements Per Queue Position Announce: “You are the 4th caller in the queue” Wait Time Announce: “Your expected waiting time is less than 3 minutes” Periodic Announcements: Custom file uploaded - playback to callers at a specified frequency Hold Time Announce: Playback of callers total hold time to agent prior to connecting the call Announce Frequency: Value in seconds
Supervisor Support for Agents Monitor Listen to agents calls in real-time without the agent or caller knowing (training) Whisper Supervisor can speak to the agent and the client does not hear the supervisor (coaching) Barge-In Take over an agent’s call and speak with the caller – directly removing the agent (management) Note: This feature is available from any location via phone access
Basic Multi-Queue Monitor Real-Time Metrics Watch call progress in real-time View agent status in real-time and see their away codes (Reason Codes)
Historical Reporting Generate reports based on date/time range for all queues, specific queues or a selection. Select event types e.g. abandoned View queue summary View agent summary View agent detail View call details View reason code summary Export reports to Excel format (csv) (Note) See also StarView
Cloud Based Inbound Call Recording (option) Recording configured by Queue / Agent Search recordings by all, individual or selection of queues Search by all, individual or selection of agents Search by start / end date Search by CallerID Search by call duration Note: Inbound and outbound recording available via a StarBox CR CCM)
StarCenter Inbound Call Recording (option)
What Is StarView For StarCenter? StarView for StarCenter is a powerful and flexible analytics tool for StarCenter which provides customers with additional insights into the activity at their contact center(s). Options are available for real time customizable displays, historical reports and a “Snapshot” window which is a low profile, always on-top application that displays key StarCenter metrics across the user's display.
StarView Enhanced Analytics and Reporting High level dashboard view displaying key performance metrics for rolling periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 24 hours “Tear Off” graphs Ideally suited to large scale monitors (TV mode – full screen) Multiple view options including a customized screen builder, queue and agent views Snapshot tool option Extensive historical report library Scheduled reporting available Configurable queue groupings Configurable service levels
StarView Screen Builder Create a custom queue, agent, wall board and live feed view. Real time state displayed using color
StarView Real Time Queue View Quickly display Queue Status with or without details by Queue / Group
StarView Real Time Agent View Quickly display Agent Status with or without details by Queue / Group
StarView Snapshot Quickly display a low profile “always on top” view of key real time Queue metrics using a downloadable application Contact Center Managers/Supervisors can easily see overall real time Queue status including Calls in Queue, Longest Wait, Logged in Agents Single, multiple or groups queue selection supported Available for use by multiple users Controls provided to view Next/Previous and pause This application is also available as a web view
StarView – Snapshot Configuration Configure single, multiple or queue groups Select an Agent if required Set screen refresh time Set thresholds which control metrics text color when exceeded
StarView – Extensive Historical Reports Library Report by Agent / Queue / Location / Reason Codes / Exception data (SMART) Queue groupings available Output data to CSV, Excel, PDF, Printer or copy to clipboard Scheduled reports available
StarView – Historical Report Example Drill down detail available within reports e.g. abandoned calls Screen search available Option to save queue grouping available Column sorting supported
StarView – Scheduled Reports All library reports available Custom report name (entered by user) Report(s) sent to email (multiple addresses supported) XLS and XML format available Multiple periods supported i.e. Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, End of Month, Hourly, 30 min, 15 min 5 min
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