Lecture Recordings All/Some* lectures in this module will be recorded in audio/video* format. The recordings will be used by the University of Kent for educational purposes, and made available to you as students on the module. Recordings will usually be available a few hours after the lecture. Recordings are intended as a supplement to live lectures and attendance is still required. If you do not wish to be heard in the recording should make this known, so that the recording can be paused.
For full viewing instructions see /index.html?tab=information-for-students /index.html?tab=information-for-students Current slide Thumbnails Presenter Video* Navigation Playback Controls Content tabs Tools
Acceptable Use Policy You can only use recordings for your own study as a supplement to live lectures. You must not share these recordings, even with friends studying at other universities. You must not upload copies to any public website (such as YouTube or Facebook) and to do so will be treated as a serious breach of academic integrity and IT Regulations.