Automation Testing Presentation Phil Hunter Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 1
Contents Introduction What is test automation and why is it useful? Choosing the right automation tool Using an automation tool to automate the task Summary Questions? Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 2
Introduction Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 3
Introduction Automation Task Advise how best to automate test the Incident Form Goal of the presentation Show how I chose the correct automation tool Show how I would use that tool to test the Incident Form Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 4
What is Test Automation? Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 5
What is Test Automation? “Test automation is using software to control the execution of tests and comparing the actual outcomes against expected outcomes” - Automated Defect Prevention (Huizinga +Kolawa) 2 main types: Code-driven Testing (Unit, Performance, Load) GUI Testing (Functional) Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 6
What is Test Automation Where does automation come in? Manual Testing Test requirements gathering and analysis Test Plan Test Design Test Implementation and Execution Defects reporting and tracking Test Closure Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 7
Why is it useful? Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 8
Why is it useful? Even with the best manual testing processes bugs can still creep in and often reappear Automated software testing is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of testing the software Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 9
Why is it Useful? Saves time and money Reduces time in repeating tests manually (Regression Testing) Automated tests can repeatedly at no additional cost Time saved translates into money saved Improves accuracy Testers can make mistakes (tired, monotonous) Automated tests perform same steps precisely each time and never forget to record detailed results Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 10
Why is it Useful? Increases test coverage Increases depth and scope Can look inside application (see memory contents, data tables, file contents, internal program states) and see if they behave as expected Can execute thousands different complex test cases during every test run Testers freed from repetitive manual testing so they have more time to create new automated tests to add to existing automated tests Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 11
Why is it Useful? Does what manual testing cannot Can simulate tens to thousands of virtual users interacting with the network, software or application Helps developers and testers Developers can catch problems before sending application to testers (automated unit testing) Saves developers time and increases confidence Improves team morale Removes repetitive tasks and frees up time for more challenging and rewarding projects and tasks Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 12
Choosing the Right Automation Tool Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 13
Choosing the Right Automation Tool List of automated tools HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) Visual Studio Test Professional Selenium Watir Watij Rational Functional Tester TestComplete Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 14
Choosing the Right Automation Tool Selenium, Watir, Watij Web based testing tools Visual Studio Test Professional Has record/playback feature Used for applications development in Visual Studio/.NET Hard to edit the automation once completed VS Premium + Ultimate more effective but more costly Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 15
Choosing the Right Automation Tool HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT), Rational Functional Tester Mainly limited to functional testing Better tools available for price Other tools more highly recommended Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 16
Choosing the Right Automation Tool HP Quick Test Professional vs TestComplete Showdown Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 17
Choosing the Right Automation Tool QTP (Advantages) 50% market share Mainly Functional automation Record/Playback feature Supports testing of mobile, web based and desktop applications, Windows, web services and databases Descriptive programming a big bonus (not justified in cost) Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 18
Choosing the Right Automation Tool QTP (Disadvantages) Only uses VBScript High cost Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 19
Choosing the Right Automation Tool TestComplete (Advantages) Affordable and significantly cheaper per license than QTP Flexible switching between applications (e.g. from web to.NET to Java) in single script session Reliable Supports Data Driven Testing Allows Object Mapping Organise tests into multi-level trees Strong User community Easy to learn Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 20
Choosing the Right Automation Tool Supports 5 scripting languages (VBScript, Jscript, DelphiScript, C++Script, C#Script) Supports different testing methods (Unit, Functional, Regression, Keyword, Web testing, distributed, load, coverage, data-driven, manual) Supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions TestComplete (Disadvantages) Didn’t integrate with HP TestDirector or Quality Center though there is a new beta version released that does integrate Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 21
Choosing the Right Automation Tool HP Quick Test Professional vs TestComplete Showdown Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 22
Choosing the Right Automation Tool Winner- TestComplete Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 23
Using Automation Tool to Automate the Task Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 24
Using Automation Tool to Automate the Task Task - How to automate test the incident form Use existing Test Cases to create automation tests Use the GUI Record/Playback feature Known as Keyword Testing Keyword Tests can be edited using Keyword Test Editor Visualisor Panel shows screenshots in Keyword Test Editor which can be clicked on and edited Keyword tests arranged into test cases and test cases into test suites Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 25
Using Automation Tool to Automate the Task Keyword TestLog records everything that happened in the test Any new functionality can be added to already existing automated tests by creating and adding more keyword tests using keyword test editor Checkpoints are used in keyword tests for verifying data (expected/actual outcomes) Checkpoints use data-driven testing (uses external data sources to input range of data values; useful for increasing test coverage) Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 26
Using Automation Tool to Automate the Task Operations are actions performed during Keyowrd Tests Organised into categories (logging, test, checkpoint) and each of them has a number of associated operations (e.g. property checkpoint, log message, compare files, data driven loop etc) Wizards help with operations (e.g. checkpoint wizard helps with property checkpoint, table checkpoint, web service checkpoint etc) Object references Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 27
Using Automation Tool to Automate the Task Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 28
Summary Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 29
Summary Introduction What is test automation and why is it useful? Choosing the right automation tool Using automation tool to automate the task Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 30
Questions? Phil Hunter - Automation Presentation 31