Podcasting in the Classroom Meaningful Math through Podcasting Excerpts from powerpoint presentation of … Tiffaney Lavoie Instructional Technology Consultant KEDC
Giving Your Students a VOICE in their learning!
Online audio content Delivered to listeners through an RSS feed. It has been described as radio on demand, but it provides many options for delivering information on a variety of topics. What is Podcasting?
Types of Podcasts Audio Podcasting – speech and sounds only Enhanced Podcasting – audio with images or slides Video Podcasting (Vodcast) – a full video with audio
Examples Adding Integers – video Adding Integers– Math Grad - short lessons on basic math Math Grad Math Factor – math conversations and puzzles Math Factor Math Mutation – fun interesting and just plain weird corners of mathematics Math Mutation Miss Davis Math Magic – 6 th grade Math Miss Davis Math Magic
Project using Photo Story 3 Create Enhanced Podcasts Use PowerPoint for Images Import pictures from the web Download FREE from the Internet – Google it!
Where to Download FAQ for PhotoStory Note: This should be already downloaded in the computer laboratory. If you are working at home, you have to download this first.
How to start… 1. Pick at least one learning target in Pre- calculus. 2. Plan how you and your partner can demonstrate your understanding/mastery of the learning target.
Create a powerpoint Create a powerpoint (w/o animation) or research on existing powerpoint about your topic. For existing powerpoint,edit it, making sure you have title page (subject and your names), learning target and references.
Save as JPG files
Now for Photo Story… Close your PowerPoint, SMART Notebook, or ActivInspire file. Have your script or storyboard ready. Open Photo Story.
Launch Photo Story Begin a new story Import pictures
Add images Navigate to the PowerPoint images you saved. Select all by clicking on an image then pressing ctrl+a on the keyboard. Click OK
Add narration! 1.Click record - start talking 2.Press the stop button when done 3.Preview 4.Undo 5.Repeat 6.Do this for each slide. 7.Next =>
Add additional text Add any additional text. Click on each image. Add the text for that image. Click Next.
Background Music 1.Use create music. Play with the options until you are satisfied. 2.Set the volume low! 3.Preview 4.Next =>
Or Download Music for Your Podcast
Save It! 1.If this is for a podcast then choose [Save for playback on a portable device]. 2.If you want higher quality choose [Save your story for playback on a computer]. 3.Browse to where you want it saved. 4.Next =>
The Right Format… Photo Story will not save in a podcast format. You must convert the file to mp4 mp4 format. Soooo…
Convert Other online conversion options :
Share When your mp4 file is created and works, upload it to edmodo so we can all share! Or save it to CD.