Dung T. Thoi Microsoft Switzerland Level 100 299
Customer Input Developer Input Engineering Excellence
Few Changes: Focus on quality and reliability improvements Few Changes: Most software that runs on Windows Vista will run on Windows 7 - exceptions will be low level code (AV, Firewall, Imaging, etc). Hardware that runs Windows Vista well will run Windows 7. Deep Changes: New models for security, drivers, deployment, and networking
Everyday Tasks Made Easier Helps you Live a Life Without Walls Works the Way You Want
Everyday Tasks Made Easier
Task Bar Preview Jumplist Pinning Snap Hover Device Stage Web Slice
MicrosoftSoftware PartnerSoftware PartnerHardware
Helps you Live a Life Without Walls
Libraries Federated Search Play To VHD
Local Machine My Docs IntranetInternet MOSS 2007 Team Sites Legal Sales HR Line of Business Corporate Index EMC Documentum Repository 10
OpenSearch protocol ( Simple http protocol that builds on RSS & ATOM 1-2 days to add it to a search server’s web front end Supported by MOSS 2007 servers out of the box No code installation required for client deployments 2. Create.osdx RSS results http request 1. Enable Servers for OpenSearch 3. Deploy.osdx 11
Works the Way YOU Want
Background Processing Graphics Power Efficiency
Performance Responsiveness to the user Consumes resources from foreground applications Boot, Shutdown, Logoff, etc. Reliability Memory leaks System crashes, hangs Dependent application crashes Security Activity may require system privileges Successful attack may compromise entire system Power Consumption Extra disk, CPU utilization Decrease in battery life Prevents idle efficiencies
Internal evaluation of 49 Windows services Not critical for boot and login Critical and required for their individual scenarios ResourceQuantity File I/O47,286 Copy-on-Write (COW) Pages4,656 (~18MB) Memory Pages (Total)15,967 (~60MB) Registry Operations38,508 Threads367
Compared IT image to clean Windows Vista installation: 10 additional 3 rd -party services
Choose the right model Windows Service or Scheduled Task? Leverage the latest Windows infrastructure Trigger-Start Services for Windows 7 Make performance optimizations Eliminate unnecessary privileges Evaluate and measure Iterate (step 1)
Device Trigger Group Policy Trigger (machine & user) IP Address Trigger (arrival & removal) Domain Trigger (joint & removal) Custom Trigger Service foo Device Trigger Start Service Stop Service Device Interface ID GUID HW ID Manual Automatic
Tablet PC Input Service Bluetooth Support Service (bthserv) SCM SC
Calendar Boot Logon Idle Event log based entry Workstation lock Workstation unlock … services.exe Unified Background Process Management services.exe Unified Background Process Management svchost.exe taskhost.exe Service-Controller-and-Background-Processing/ Service-Controller-and-Background-Processing/ Task Triggers
Service NameDescriptionTrigger Type AELookupSvc Processes application compatibility cache requests for applications as they are launched Custom ETW BDESVC Provides BitLocker client services for user interface and auto-unlocking of data volumes Custom ETW BTHSERV The Bluetooth service supports discovery and association of remote Bluetooth devices. Device SensorsMTPMonitor Monitors MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) sensors (such as a cell phone with a GPS receiver) to communicate sensor data to programs Device TabletInputService Enables Tablet PC pen and ink functionality Device WinDefend Protection against spyware and potentially unwanted software Group Policy
Background Processing Graphics Power Efficiency
Increased performance and visual quality ( 2x) Lower CPU usage than GDI/GDI+ Hardware accelerated Reduced memory consumption Direct2D Direct3D Segoe UI DirectWrite DXVA & WIC
System memory allocation GDI video memory allocation DWM Composition Provided by: Microsoft ISV IHV
System memory allocation GDI video memory allocation DWM Composition Display driver Provided by: Microsoft ISV IHV
Note: The above data compares system memory consumption only. Preliminary data gathered on Windows 7 pre-release builds and subject to change
GDI Text Times New Roman 12 Point ClearType Compatible Widths DirectWrite Times New Roman 12 Point ClearType Sub-Pixel Positioning
Background Processing Graphics Power Efficiency
Time Watts 0W - Off Idle Power Trade quality or performance for power savings Examples Index only high- priority items Disable animations DVD playback at 30fps instead of 60fps “Race to Sleep” Execute rapidly at high power Quickly re-enter low-power state Extend average idle duration Examples Timer coalescing Idle Resource utilization optimizations Reduce power by eliminating unnecessary activity Examples: Events and notifications instead of polling Extending polling intervals Eliminating periodic disk activity
Platform energy efficiency can be improved by extending idle periods New timer coalescing API enables callers to specify a tolerance for due time Enables the kernel to expire multiple timers at the same time Timer tick 15.6 ms Periodic Timer Events Windows 7 Vista
Iterative evolution of Vista power policy Continue 3 plans: Performance, Balanced, Power Saver Same toolset Refined UI elements New power settings for Windows 7 features Minor changes to idle timeout defaults Power WMI Provider Enables power policy configuration through standard WMI interface
NameGUIDDescription Default (Balanced) ACDC Unattended sleep timeout 7bc4a2f9-d8fc b07b-33eb785aaca0 Determines the amount of inactivity time before the system automatically sleeps if the computer resumed without a user present 2 minutes System cooling policy 94d3a615-a899-4ac5- ae2b-e4d8f634367f Determines if Active or Passive cooling should be favored for thermal zones Active Reserve battery level f3c5027d-cd aa6b-90db844a8f00 Configures the percentage of battery capacity remaining before displaying the reserve battery warning n/a7% AHCI link power mode 0b2d69d7-a2a1-449c f91c70521c60 Configures AHCI link power modes (HIPM, DIPM) and link power states (Partial, Slumber, Active) HIPM, Partial HIPM, Slumber Allow System Required Policy a4b195f d d e2 Enable applications to prevent the system from idling to sleep Enabled Dim Display After 17aaa29b-8b43-4b94- aafe-35f64daaf1ee Determines the amount of inactivity time before the system automatically reduces the brightness of the display on a mobile PC 5 minutes2 minutes
Power Options PowerDemo
B108: Security & Management B109: Deployment C108: Green IT C110: ForeFront A112: Surface!
14 – 15 avril 2010, CICG
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Minimize change Keep Laser sharp focus on OS stability, reliability and performance. More importantly avoid disruptions Help bolster productivity Reduce learning curve and provide improved toolsets and documentation Create new and exciting experiences Build next generation software experiences that make your users lives richer