Objectives Today you will learn how to: Navigate the iTunes interface Add music to the iTunes library Navigate the iTunes store Make purchases on the iTunes store Manage settings and preferences Create playlists Use iTunes as a media player
What is iTunes? iTunes is the default media player for Apple and Mac devices. If you have a Mac computer or an Apple handheld device, such as an iPod, iPhone, or iPad, you will need to become familiar with iTunes.
iTunes WMP iTunes and Windows Media Player
iTunes WMP Default media player for Mac OS The only program that can manage Apple mobile devices Primarily relies on iTunes store Default media player for Windows OS Can manage some Microsoft and 3 rd party MP3 players Primarily relies on on- disc music and 3 rd party downloads Basic Differences
Getting Started Turn on your Mac and click on the iTunes icon in the Dock at the bottom of your screen You will notice that the Finder button on the toolbar has changed to iTunes iTunes will now open and we can begin
Getting Started, Cont. You will notice that there is currently nothing in iTunes You will also notice several buttons at the top including: Radio, Songs, Albums, Artists, Genres, Playlists, and Match. This is how you will navigate your iTunes library.
Setting Up iTunes Let’s click on the iTunes button next to the Apple button on your toolbar. Here you will notice several options, we will be covering most of them today and how they affect your iTunes user experience. First let’s set up an Apple ID which we will need to access the iTunes store.
Your Apple ID Hover over the iTunes Store option, you will see another drop down menu appear. If you already have an Apple ID you can click on Sign In, if not click Create Apple ID You will be presented You will be presented with a field in which to enter your information. Do so.
Your Apple ID, Cont. You may be asked to enter payment information. Under payment type select None You may add a payment type later, if you wish After creating your Apple ID you will be asked to confirm your address. Go to your client now and do so
General Preferences Let’s explore our settings Click on the iTunes button on the toolbar, again Click on Preferences Here you will see your general preferences You can choose what is displayed in your library, what information is displayed about your media, what happens when you insert a music CD with iTunes open, and what language you would prefer
Playback Preferences Here you will find the “mixer” and other preferences for your media playback We won’t change any of the settings here, but feel free to ask any questions regarding any of the settings
Sharing Preferences These preferences will determine what devices you share your iTunes library with If you have a home network (home wifi) and several computers with iTunes installed, you may wish to check the Share My Library On My Local Network box. This will sync your library to the other computers in your home. You may also set a password which will be required for any computer wanting to access your library, if you choose to share it.
Store Preferences These are your store preferences. You must be signed into iTunes with your Apple ID in order to change them Check the Always Check for Available Downloads and Download Pre-Orders When Available boxes You may choose what is automatically downloaded. Go ahead and check the Music, Apps, and Books boxes Finally, the boxes at the bottom are entirely optional and not necessary. If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask.
Parental Preferences Here you may set parental preferences that limit what your child may access in iTunes You may limit their access to the iTunes store, choose which countries rating system you wish to use, and restrict explicit content and movies and apps by their rating. Clicking the lock in the corner will prevent your child from making changes to these settings
Device Preferences This is your Device Preferences Nothing will appear here until you add an Apple mobile device to your iTunes library by plugging it into your computer You can do this by using the USB charging cable on all Apple mobile devices. The device will sync to iTunes automatically.
Advanced Preferences Finally we have our Advanced Preferences Here you will find various settings that affect your entire iTunes library. There are no setting that we currently need to change and there is often little reason to use these settings Hit X to close your preferences
The iTunes Store Now, let’s add media to our iTunes library. There are several ways to do this but let’s start with the iTunes store. Click on the iTunes Store button below the search bar in the top right corner. You will be brought to the store homepage.
The iTunes Store, Cont. We will navigate the iTunes store by using the same buttons used to navigate our iTunes library. Let’s start by finding some free music. Click on the Music button. You will several songs and albums sorted according to their popularity and release.
The iTunes Store, Cont. On the right side of the screen you will see a sidebar. Here you may look through the top songs, music videos, and albums. In the drop down menu under Music, at the top of the sidebar, you can search for music by genre. Of course you can always search for a particular artist or song by using the search field at the top right corner of iTunes.
The iTunes Store, Cont. If you scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar, you will see Free Music listed. Click on whatever is available. Here we will be brought to the purchase screen. We may download the entire album or choose a song. Under the album artwork there will be a purchase button. It will have the price of the item you have selected. Here it should say Free. Click on the button to download the album. Bare in mind that paid purchases work much in the same way but require a payment method.
The iTunes Store, Cont. The items will automatically begin to download and will appear in your iTunes library. You may then view the items by album, by song, or by artist. If you want to download apps, videos, podcasts, or anything else from the iTunes store, it is done in the same way that we have downloaded music. Click the Library button to return to your iTunes library.
Adding Music With CD’s To import music from a CD simply insert the CD into your computer with iTunes open. iTunes will ask if you would like to import this CD, click Yes. By un-checking the box next to any of the CD tracks you can choose which tracks you do not want to import. When you have selected your tracks, click Import CD. The music will be imported and added to your library.
Adding Music From A File Click on the File button next to the iTunes button on the toolbar Click Add To Library Navigate using Finder and click on the desired MP3 file Click Open These files will be added to your iTunes library
Creating Playlists Now that we have music, we can create a playlist Click on File > New > Playlist Choose a name for your playlist Add music to your playlist by dragging songs from your library to the playlist When finished adding items, click Done You can access your playlists by clicking Playlists in the iTunes navigation bar
Using iTunes As A Media Player You can always play music and items stored in your iTunes library If you have a CD that you would like to play you can insert it into your computer with iTunes open, select the CD in iTunes, and double click the track you wish to play
Syncing iPhones, iPods, and iPads If you have an iPhone, iPod, or iPad, you may already be somewhat familiar with iTunes iTunes is the primary program used to manage Apple mobile devices Why haven’t we covered this today? Mobile devices can take up their own class and so we will cover syncing next time in our Apple Mobile Devices class!
Wrapping Up Hold Ctrl-Q to close iTunes. All of your settings and additions to your library will be saved.
Questions? If you have any questions about what we’ve gone over today or if you require further assistance, please feel free to ask. Thanks for attending our class and for visiting Rowan County Public Library.