In today's media centric consumer environment the movie going audience has come to expect to see the smooth inclusion of computer animated graphics into the body of the film. Commercials as well require use of live action film and Computer Graphics Imagery.
Manipulating and integrating 3D animation into video shots currently requires the use of several independent software applications, where each application treats a different media type. Adobe After EffectsAdobe premiere3DS max
Importing and rendering these media types imposes a significant work redundancy on the entire process that results in extended production cycles, requires massive resources and the result of which is unpredictable.
sequences can only be introduced into video after undergoing a conversion process called rendering that produces a version of the animation sequence in a video format. This process is destructive, meaning that once an animation sequence is rendered to video format, the animation elements in the newly created video clip can no longer be edited.
Once imported into a Video application the rendered animation sequence is superimposed on the original filmed clip and again rendered out to produce the final form of the clip. It is only at this point that the position and quality of the animation can be assessed in terms of how well it fits in with the original material.
As these techniques and processes are performed by a series of professionals each in their own field, and again usually independently of each other, the post- production process becomes very expensive.
any discrepancy between the rendered animation and the video clip onto which it is superimposed, then work on the animation must be repeated to attain the desired outcome. Video Editing Software 3D Software
the animation must be redone in the animation software, re-rendered, and re- imported into the video editing application. This process is repeated effectively until the desired outcome is reached. This repetition costs time and money.
3D vanimation 3D Animation 2D Video 2D Video Visual 3D HolaDeck Visual 3D HolaDeck 2D Video Output Timeline Environmental Controls Movie elements are synchronized with each other, video and 3D animation sequences being visible at all times with in the eQuinoX software studio environment
US2: Transform object US1 : Import media US3: synchronize US4: playback US5: Render video SFX user >
The ability to load into the program a range of file types of the various inputs (video audio and 3d). Integrated timeline work environment and Synchronization. Object/ Audio/Video/ Animation playback environment. Saving the project input data in a non- intrusion fashion to retain individual format properties. Render out the project.
Speed: should retrain each individual source’s engine original speed Reliability: Files loaded into the program would be identical to the way they would be when loaded into the original program of creation.
Implementation requires us to learn the API and use very complicated engines written by other programmers. These engines are written in different languages and work differently. Combining these engines might prove to be very difficult or even impossible.