Do the Gospels Belong in the Old Testament or the New Testament? 5/4/2015 1
Arguments: “The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are history books, so they belong in the Old Testament” “The Gospels contain beneficial historical records of the life and times of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived under the Mosaic Law and He taught no New Testament doctrine.” 5/4/2015 2
Does this mean that none of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels are applicable today? Should the Gospels be considered as history books with no real bearing or application on our lives? 5/4/2015 3
Many of the Events in the Gospels Transpired Under the Law, BUT Their Record Belongs in the New Testament When Jesus came, He did correct the Jews regarding the Law. (Ref. Matt. 15:1- 9; Mark 7:1-23) Jesus came to fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17- 18) and usher in a New Covenant. Jesus’ teachings were in anticipation of His coming kingdom. 5/4/2015 4
Jesus’ Teachings Anticipates His Coming Kingdom The Sermon on the Mount anticipates Jesus’ coming kingdom. (Ref. Matt. 4:23; Matt. 5:3-48) Jesus’ teaching of Nicodemus anticipated the new birth in His kingdom. (John 3:3-5) Jesus’ teachings on marriage, divorce and remarriage are contrasted with what Moses tolerated under the law. (Matt. 5:31; 19:8-9) Jesus’ teachings on the church anticipate the establishment of His church. (Matt. 18:15-18) Jesus establishing the Lord’s Supper anticipate the memorial feast in the kingdom. (Matt. 26:26-29) Jesus’ teaching on love anticipated His sacrificial death and demonstration of love. (John 13:34-35) 5/4/ Jesus expects His word to be obeyed. (John 8:31-32; 14:14; 15:7, 10)
Why Were the Gospels Written? Luke 1:1-4; Luke wrote Theophilus so he would know for certain the things he had been instructed about Jesus. John 20:30-31; John wrote that we might believe Jesus is the Christ and believing have life in His name. Matthew’s gospel appeals to the Jews. Jesus is the Messiah and is rightfully ruling over His kingdom. (Matt. 28:18-20) Mark apparently was written to encourage suffering Christians. Confirming their faith was well founded See the suffering Jesus endured See the conflicts He endured Example in suffering Challenge to hold on and be strong 5/4/2015 6
Why Is This Doctrine Taught Today? To disregard Jesus’ teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage. (Matt. 19:9; 5:32) Thus it is argued that only Paul’s teachings apply. (1 Cor. 7:10-11) Paul’s teachings in 1 Cor. 7:10-11 is not a prohibition against separation but divorce. The wife who leaves her husband is to remain UNMARRIED or reconcile. (Chorizo) leave is used in Matt. 19:6; Mark 10:6 to refer to divorce. 5/4/2015 7
Conclusion: We are assured the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John belong in the New Testament. They contain teachings of Christ that are not contained in the Law of Moses. They contain teachings of Christ which are obligatory for our faith and practice today. They are more than just historical narratives. 5/4/2015 8