The Kingdom Protista It’s A Small World! Click here to see a live protist
When we were a soft amoeba, in ages past and gone, Ere you were the Queen of Sheba and I King Solomon Alone and undivided, we lived a life of sloth Whatever you did I did; one dinner served us both. Anon came separation, by fission and divorce, A lonely pseudopodium I wandered on my course. ~Sir Arthur Shipley
Protozoans: Animal-like Protists Grouped by movement Mostly asexual means of reproduction Unicellular Once were classified as animals Many cause disease
Phylum Sarcodina Amoeba “The Blob” Pseudopodia Phagocytic/Pinocytic Slow Some pathogenic forms Entertaining Click here for ameboid movement movie
Phylum Zoomastigina Mast-like flagella Some parasitic Some helpful (termites)
Phylum Ciliophora Numerous cilia for movement and for gathering food Aquatic Asexual and Sexual (conjugation) Torpedo movement Paramecium moving. Click to see
Conjugation Two paramecia come together and exchange genetic material through their oral grooves. After becoming genetically altered in this way, they separate and each goes on to divide asexually.
Phylum Sporozoa Parasitic Non-motile Most produce spores Complex life cycles Malarial Plasmodium is an example See next slide for Malaria Cycle
Algae: Plant-like Protists Uni- or Multicellular Photosynthetic Once classified in Plantae Kingdom but no roots, stems, leaves Highly pigmented Base of most food chains
Phylum Euglenophyta Unicellular Aquatic Photosynthetic (autotrophic) and heterotrophic Double movement: flagella and flexing euglenoid movement Click here to watch euglena move about
Euglenoid Movement By alternation of flexing and extending the pellicle, the euglenoid is capable of this type of movement in its aquatic environment. The flagellum is also of assistance in movement and food gathering.
Phylum Bacillariophyta Diatoms: the Golden Algae Unicellular Silica shell cases (like pillboxes with lids Photosynthetic autotrophs Marine and aquatic (phytoplankton) Asexual and sexual forms of reproduction Diatomaceous earth
From this……….. …….to this
Phylum Dinoflagellata The Spinning Algae Unicellular Thick cellulose plate cell walls Double flagella Mostly oceanic phytoplankton Autotrophic symbionts Red tide!
This may lead to………. ……THIS!
Phylum Rhodophyta The Red Algae Multicellular Seaweed Attach to rock Photosynthetic by phycobilins (absorb green, violet and blue light rays of deeps)
Phylum Phaeophyta The Brown Algae Multicellular Marine Contain chlorophyll and fucoxanthin Thallus body form Kelp forms dense underwater forests Sargassum forms dense floating mats
Phylum Chlorophyta The Green Algae Mostly aquatic, some marine (some out of water, see next slide) Photosynthetic with chlorophyll Largest group Colonial types, too
Typical Algae Reproductive Cycle
The Fungus-like Protists Formerly classified in the Kingdom Fungi Decomposers Some damage crops Slime molds are plasmodial(Myxomycota) or cellular(Acrasiomycota) Water molds/Downy Mildew (Oomycota)
The cellular slime molds are unicellular, colonial, and multicellular at different stages of their life cycles. They thrive in moist environments with bacteria, usually on decaying organic matter.
Most water molds appear as white, fuzzy growths on decaying matter. The downy mildews appear similarly, but on living plant surfaces as above.