TDSPs known 867_03/LSE mismatch scenarios? 2 AEP’s Scenarios are: Interval estimation routines may not align to register reads. System limitations aligning the monthly billed register read to the intervals for the same time period, and automation of smoothing of intervals when adjustments to billing are done. (867 Cancel/Rebills due to tampering, meter switches, meter exchanges, etc.) Use of Non-Midnight Register Reading(s) - Service order processes may use readings at the time the action is completed and not the midnight read. Known issues AEP is working on and has plans to fix?: In 2015, the implementation of a new MDM should address most of these issues; others will be addressed through manual processes. Data is currently being monitored through new reporting to identify these mismatches. AEP is working through our business processes to get these manually corrected, until technical changes can be made. Plans to manually adjusting the interval data due to cancel and rebills of the 867. AEP has implemented several technical solutions. Interval gap recovery; this allows recovered data to be resent to the market Using the midnight read for most MVI and MVO scenarios
TDSPs known 867_03/LSE mismatch scenarios? CNP’s Scenarios are: Meter Tampering – There is approximately 1 week delay in making the appropriate manual corrections to LSE data to include adjusted usage data due to tampering event. Switched Meters – There is approximately 1-week delay in making the appropriate manual corrections to LSE data to include adjusted usage data due to switched meters. Power Outage* – Currently CNP estimates based upon historical consumption values during the Power Outage. Once “Power On” is indicated at the meter an automated meter interrogation signal is sent to the AMS meter to retrieve actual interval data replacing estimated values where applicable. Use of Non-Midnight Register Reading(s) - When a midnight reading is unavailable or estimated, CNP may opt to use a non-midnight register read in order to provide an “actual” reading in the 867_03 usage transaction. On Demand Register readings may be used when energizing or de-energizing premise for MVI or MVO request(s). Known issues CNP is working on and has plans to fix?: * Testing a customized system enhancement to replace existing functionality of estimating during a power outage which is anticipated to be implemented by the end of Refining current reporting requirements and processes to easily and quickly identify mismatch issues and developing procedures to make corrections prior to sending file and/or transaction to ERCOT and Smart Meter Texas. 3
TDSPs known 867_03/LSE mismatch scenarios? Oncor’s Scenarios are: Meter Tampering Meter Exchange Error Using a Non-Midnight Register Read(s) Delays in changing REP of Record within the back office systems after a switch. An estimated register read is used for 867/810 billing and the MDM subsequently updates that cycle day’s estimated read when an actual register read is received for a later day Known issues Oncor is working on or has plans to fix?: Reviewing Meter Exchange processes. Reviewing data processing associated with switches and the timing of the REP of Record changes within the back office system synch processes. 4
TDSPs’ known 867_03/LSE mismatch scenarios? TNMP’s Scenarios are: Meter Tampering – TNMP doesn’t go back and adjust interval data/register reads in the MDM when tampering is discovered. This is basically true for most cancel/rebill scenarios, in that the MDMS data is not adjusted. Power Outages – TNMP will currently run VEE against meters that are involved in a Power Outage. Meter Change Outs – Ending register read is obtained and entered into CIS, but interval data not currently being reflected in the MDMS. Use of Non-Midnight Register Reading(s) - Service order processes may use readings at the time the action is completed and not the midnight read. Known issues TNMP is working on or has plans to fix?: Smooth interval data/register reads in the MDM for cancel/rebill activity Validating, Editing and Estimation (VEE) process during power outages Interval data gaps due to meter change-outs. 5