AQS & Monitoring. In This Section We Will Talk About Monitoring & AQS 2 In the field Before Monitoring QAPP – quality assurance project plan Annual monitoring.


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Presentation transcript:

AQS & Monitoring

In This Section We Will Talk About Monitoring & AQS 2 In the field Before Monitoring QAPP – quality assurance project plan Annual monitoring plan Sampling schedule Coding the data stream for AQS Regulations Exceptional events Data certification process

Monitoring & AQS 3 Monitor the Air Handle Data Acquire Data Report (Load) Data Analyze Regulate Store AQS

Before Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 4 QAPP (Quality Assurance Project Plan) Ensures that the data collected meets the requirements Annual monitoring plan due to EPA Regional offices by July 1 st of each year Sampling Schedule Daily, 3-day & 6-day Monitoring Schedule for PM day Monitoring Schedule for TSP, Pb, PM-10, and VOC 12-day Monitoring Schedule for PM-2.5 Collocation Use the sampling schedule to ensure data completeness Duration Continuous monitors for CO, SO 2, NO x, No y Ozone data can be stored in any interval convenient to the S/L/T internal system; however hourly data (duration 1) is reported Filter-based data is usually reported as 24-hour (duration 7) integrated samples

Additional info for Reporting Data to AQS Monitoring & AQS 5 Monitors and Monitoring Agency Data Management Systems operate and report on “Local Standard Time” year-round (i.e., do not adjust clocks for daylight savings time) Daily Samplers typically operate from midnight to midnight for the day of interest Data are always reported with the Start Hour, e.g., a CO monitor that is reporting data would use “00:00” for the hour from midnight to 1 a.m. Data submittal requirements are described in CFR §58.16

Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 6 Meteorological parameters Wind speed Wind direction Barometric pressure temperature Non-NAAQS pollutants NAAQS pollutants SO 2 and related NO 2 and related Lead PM 10 PM 2.5 CO ozone § Data submittal and archiving requirements. (a) The State, or where appropriate, local agency, shall report to the Administrator, via AQS all ambient air quality data and associated quality assurance data for SO2; CO; O3; NO2; NO; NOY; NOX; Pb– TSP mass concentration; Pb–PM10 mass concentration; PM10 mass concentration; PM2.5mass concentration; for filter-based PM2.5FRM/ FEM the field blank mass, sampler-generated average daily temperature, and sampler-generated average daily pressure; chemically speciated PM2.5 mass concentration data; PM10–2.5 mass concentration; chemically speciated PM10–2.5 mass concentration data; meteorological data from NCore and PAMS sites; average daily temperature and average daily pressure for Pb sites if not already reported from sampler generated records; and metadata records and information specified by the AQS Data Coding Manual ( The State, or where appropriate, local agency, may report site specific meteorological measurements generated by onsite equipment (meteorological instruments, or sampler generated) or measurements from the nearest airport reporting ambient pressure and temperature. Such air quality data and information must be submitted directly to the AQS via electronic transmission on the specified quarterly schedule described in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) The specific quarterly reporting periods are January 1–March 31, April 1–June 30, July 1–September 30, and October 1–December 31. The data and information reported for each reporting period must contain all data and information gathered during the reporting period, and be received in the AQS within 90 days after the end of the quarterly reporting period. For example, the data for the reporting period January 1–March 31 are due on or before June 30 of that year. (c) Air quality data submitted for each reporting period must be edited, validated, and entered into the AQS (within the time limits specified in paragraph (b) of this section) pursuant to appropriate AQS procedures. The procedures for editing and validating data are described in the AQS Data Coding Manual and in each monitoring agency’s quality assurance project plan. (d) The State shall report VOC and if collected, carbonyl, NH3, and HNO3 data, from PAMS sites to AQS within 6 months following the end of each quarterly reporting period listed in paragraph (b) of this section. (e) The State shall also submit any portion or all of the SLAMS and SPM data to the appropriate Regional Administrator upon request.

Monitoring data for AQS - Site Monitoring & AQS 7 Monitoring instrumentation is at a particular location Need to have a site established in AQS State code + county code + site ID Metadata – data describing the physical location Site ACME Particulate Measuring Device

Monitoring data to AQS – What is required to set-up a Site? Monitoring & AQS 8 Unique Site ID Metadata needed: Latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) Horizontal datum (what datum was used for lat/lon?) Horizontal method (how was lat/lon measured?) Horizontal accuracy (accuracy of lat/lon, in meters) Vertical measure (elevation, in meters) Vertical accuracy (accuracy of elevation, in meters) Vertical method (how elevation measured?) Street address, land use type and location setting Agency Role (agency that is supporting this site) Primary Monitor Period (for lead, NO2, PM2.5)

Monitoring instrument(s) for different parameters/pollutants In AQS, a “monitor”means the sampling for a single parameter at a Site… does not refer to the actual measuring device Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 9 PM10 - Total PM10 – Lead PM10 – Mercury PM10 - Nickel 4 AQS Monitors Site ACME Particulate Measuring Device

Monitoring data to AQS – What is required to set-up a Monitor? Monitoring & AQS 10 An established Site Parameter code POC (parameter occurrence code) – a sequence number when measuring multiple occurrences of the same pollutant Metadata: Vertical probe height, etc is optional Sample period begin date Monitor type (SLAMS, Tribal Monitor.. ) Agency roles Monitoring objective Required collection frequency Collocation info

Sample measurements from the monitoring instrument Reported to AQS as “Raw Data” – the sample measurements in some time increment (5-minute, hourly, daily) with units Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 11 Monitor ACME Particulate Measuring Device 4.5 mg/cm ppb 1.7 mmHg 2.4 ppm

Met Monitoring some commonly reported observations Monitoring & AQS 12 Wind speed Resultant or vector (61103 Wind Speed – Resultant) ** preferred Scalar (61101 Wind Speed - Scalar) Wind direction Resultant or vector (61104 Wind Direction – Resultant) ** preferred Scalar (61102 Wind Direction – Scalar) Temperature Outdoor Temperature Temperature 24-Hr Max Barometer (64101 Barometric Pressure ) Others (Dew Point, Relative Humidity, etc)

Met and Non-NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 13 Simpler Not as many regs and implications as for NAAQS For all, it is the same process to get the data into AQS

Non-NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 14 Ammonia Find the parameter code Find the units code Find the methodology code describing the monitoring method Use the correct time increment DescriptionCode Pollutant or Parameter? Ammonia42604 Units? PPM007 Collection method? Instrumental Analysis Method? Teco 17 Chemiluminescence 051 Duration? 1-hour1 And the raw data looks like this...

Sample Measurements (hourly) in AQS format Monitoring & AQS 15 RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |00:00|0.010||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |01:00|0.004||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |02:00|0.004||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |03:00|0.004||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |04:00|0.003||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |05:00|0.002||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |06:00|0.025||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |07:00|0.101||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |08:00|0.024||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |09:00|0.021||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |10:00|0.009||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |11:00|0.013||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |12:00|0.026||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |13:00|0.024||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |14:00|0.026||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |15:00|0.031||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |16:00|0.028||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |17:00|0.025||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |18:00|0.034||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |19:00|0.018||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |20:00|0.009||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |21:00|0.006||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |22:00|0.006||||||||||||||| RD|I|29|129|0001|42604|1|1|007|051| |23:00|0.005||||||||||||||| RD Action Code “insert ” State Code|County Code|Site ID|Parameter|POC| Duration Code Measurement Units Code Method Code Sample Date | Sample Start Hour Sample Measurement Qualifiers

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 16 NAAQS pollutants SO 2 and related NO 2 and related Lead PM 10 PM 2.5 CO Ozone

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 17 SO 2 NAAQS SO 2 hourly standard (2010) requires 1-hour and 5-minute data designate PMP at site-level for a new SO 2 monitor SO 2 and related SO 2 hourly (42401, duration 1) New reporting requirement for SO 2 5-minute, effective August 23, 2010 If you are reporting:Use parameter:Use duration:Use POC:Notes: maximum 5-minute SO 2 average from each hour use AQS parameter code “42406” duration code of “1” Use of POC 1 is suggested but not required. all of the twelve 5-minute averages from each hour use AQS parameter code “42401” duration code of “H”Often duration “1” data is reported as POC 1, so the use of POC 2 (if available) is suggested but not required. Since “42401” is also used for hourly SO 2 (duration 1) data, a new POC must be established. The maximum 5-minute average for each hour does not have to be identified and separately reported.

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 18 NAAQS NO 2 hourly standard (2010) requires hourly NO 2 data NO 2 annual standard (1971) requires hourly NO 2 data NO 2 and related Hourly NO 2 (42602, duration 1) NO, NO x from NO 2 instruments NO, NO y from NO 2 instruments at NCORE sites Parameter codes NO = nitrogen oxide = NO 2 = nitrogen dioxide = NO x = oxides of nitrogen = NO y = reactive oxides of nitrogen = NO y – NO = difference channel output from NO y box = designate PMP for a new NO 2 monitor

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 19 Lead NAAQS Lead 3-month (2009) requires 24-hour data Lead 3-month PM 10 surrogate (2009) requires 24-hour data Lead quarterly (1978) requires 24-hour data Parameter codes Lead 3-month uses lead at local conditions = ** need a PMP at site-level Lead PM 10 surrogate uses lead/ PM 10 at LC = ** need a PMP at site-level Lead quarterly uses lead at STP = (for sites still designated nonattainment under the old standard) “Technical Note – Lead Data Reporting to AQS, April 30, 2009” Met parameters for outdoor temp & barometric pressure (only one set necessary per site) Lead in TSPLead in PM 10 FRM/FEMNon-FRM/FEMFRM/FEMNon-FRM/FEM Local conditions (LC) Lead TSP LC FRM/FEM Lead (TSP) LC Non- FRM/FEM Lead PM10 LC FRM/FEM Lead PM10 LC Standard temperature and pressure (STP) Lead (TSP) STPNA Lead PM10 STP

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 20 PM 10 NAAQS requires 1-hour or 24-hour data PM hr standard (2006) Parameter codes PM 10 = For NCore, PM coarse = PM 10 - PM 2.5 PM coarse = PM 2.5 (LC) = PM 10 (LC) = (optional)

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 21 PM 2.5 NAAQS PM 2.5 annual standard (2006) requires 1-hour or 24-hour data Parameter codes PM 2.5 at local conditions (FEM/FRM) = Primary Monitor must be defined in AQS at the site-level for collocation purposes Technical Note - Reporting PM2.5 Continuous Monitoring and Speciation Data to the Air Quality System (AQS) 6/01/2006 For NCore, PM coarse = PM 10 - PM 2.5 PM coarse = Parameter nameParameter CodePurposeNotes PM2.5 local conditions88101Appropriate code for all FRM/FEM/ARMsOriginal code for PM2.5 at local conditions PM2.5 total atmospheric88500Valid data from methods measuring total PM2.5 aerosols in the atmosphere, including those that can be volatilized from the FRM Introduced in 2005 PM2.5 raw data88501Valid uncorrected data that does not reasonably match the FRMIntroduced in 2005 Acceptable PM2.5 AQI & speciation mass 88502Valid data that does reasonably match the FRM with or without correction, but not to be used in NAAQS decisions Introduced in 2006 PM2.5 volatile channel88503Store important related data such as the FDMS reference channelIntroduced in 2006

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 22 CO NAAQS CO 8-hr standard (1971) requires 1-hour data Parameter codes CO = 42101

NAAQS Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 23 O 3 NAAQS ozone 8-hr standard (2008) requires 1-hour data ozone 1-hr daily (1997) requires 1-hour data Parameter codes O 3 = Ozone primary standard ppm (2008) is based on the 8-hour average To attain the standard, the 3-year average of the 4 th highest daily max 8-hour average ozone concentration measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0.075ppm

Multiple pollutant standards Monitoring & AQS 24 Must be able to distinguish between multiple pollutant standards in AQS Will cover this in more detail in Standard Reports

NAAQS Standards and Monitoring Monitoring & AQS 25 AMTIC website (OAQPS monitoring group) AQS website (OAQPS AQS group) NAAQS website s, technical memos, Federal Register

Site “Metadata” Monitoring & AQS 26 Latitude and longitude + method used to determine Site address Supporting Agency Begin date/End date Local site name (e.g., Jones Elementary) Land use Location setting Tangent roads (nearby roadways)

Monitor “Metadata” Monitoring & AQS 27 Basic Monitor (Instrument) information (optional) Probe location Probe height (height of probe from ground) Probe horizontal distance (distance from probe to support) Probe vertical distance (vert. distance from probe to support) etc Sample period begin date Monitor type (SLAMS, Tribal Monitor.. ) and begin date Agency roles and begin date Monitoring objective and applicable geographical area Required collection frequency and begin date Tangent Road Collocation information

Monitor Types Monitoring & AQS 28 All SLAMS and some Tribal monitors are used for NAAQS determinations If not an FRM/FEM monitor, then don’t report it as a Regulatory monitor Report as “Non-regulatory” and won’t be used in Design Value (DV) calculations PAMS = Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations NCore = National Core multi-pollutant monitoring stations SLAMSSPMTribalIndustrial State/local agencies PAMS NCore

Agency Roles Monitoring & AQS 29 Collecting Agency who maintains the instrument in the field? Reporting Agency Who reports the data to AQS? Required for all pollutants Analyzing Agency Who (which lab) analyzes the filters? PQAO (Primary Quality Assurance Organization) Agency Who is responsible for QA, audits, etc? Required for all pollutants Start date no earlier than 1/1/2007

Exceptional Event Rule Monitoring & AQS 30 The Federal Regulations (40 CFR Part 50.14) allow Ambient Air Quality Measurements that are Exceedances or Violations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) that are caused by an “Exceptional Event” to be excluded from Attainment demonstrations. (Exceptional Event Rule = EER)

EER – AQS Process Monitoring & AQS 31 Reporting Agency “flags” data with exceptional Event Flag, and submits justification to EPA Regional office either concurs with exclusion or “non-concurs” AQS computes summaries (daily, quarterly, and annual) that either include or exclude the flagged data, with a unique “Exceptional Data Type ID” AQS Reports will show either summary data flagged with EDT ID 0 0 – No data has been flagged OR 1, 2, and 5 1 – The summary excludes all flagged data 2 – The summary does not exclude any data 5 – The summary excludes regionally concurred flagged data

Data Completeness and Certification Monitoring & AQS 32 Submission of data sample data should be submitted to AQS by the end of the calendar quarter following the measurement date; ie, measurements from March 5 th should be submitted to AQS by June 30th Annual Data Certification For SLAMS and FRM, FEM and ARM SPM stations All PAMS except SPM Calendar year’s data must be certified by May 1 st of the following year; ie, CY2010 data must be certified by May 1, 2011 What’s needed? Data certification statement signed by the senior air pollution monitoring person from the monitoring agency in the form of a letter to the EPA Regional Administrator AQS summary report AMP450 (QuickLook) for CO, NO2, SO2, ozone, PM10, lead (12128) and PM2.5 AMP450NC (QuickLook NonCriteria) for other pollutants, lead (14129) AQS quality assurance report – AMP255 (Data Quality) – for each monitor in the PQAO See 40CFR 58 Appendix A; should be done for each PQAO