PRESENTATION CONTENTS DCP stations selection DCP overview of system proposed Implementation of system Construction of accommodation
DAY CREWING PLUS SYSTEM Target - W/T fire appliances with limited risk and activity No minimum/maximum activity figure set ECR identified a number of stations
ALL MOBILISATIONS 2006/09 DCP STATION ACTIVITY (Over 3 years) W/T Fire Engine Own Stn Area Other Stn Area Overall Total Avg per year Pen’tham 1623 541 708 236 2331 777 Darwen 1533 511 633 211 2166 722 Fleetwood 1917 639 70 2128 709 Raw’stall 1001 334 652 217 1653 551 Bispham 1549 516 685 228 2234 745 St. Annes 840 280 655 218 1495 498
PROPOSED STATIONS ACTIVITY MOBILISATIONS IN STANDBY HOURS 2006/09 (MIDNIGHT TO 7AM) W/T Fire Engine Own Stn Area Other Stn Area Overall Total Avg per year Pen’tham 279 93 102 34 381 126 Darwen 255 85 88 29 343 114 Fleetwood 284 95 46 15 330 109 Raw’stall 172 57 99 33 271 89 Bispham 276 92 143 48 419 139 St. Annes 129 43 38 243 81
PROPOSED STATIONS ACTIVITY CRITICAL INCIDENT MOBILISATIONS IN STANDBY HOURS 2006/09 (MIDNIGHT TO 7AM) W/T Fire Engine Own Stn Area Other Stn Area Overall Total Avg per year Pen’tham 32 11 46 15 78 26 Darwen 56 19 37 12 93 31 Fleetwood 66 22 20 7 86 29 Raw’stall 45 91 30 Bispham 47 16 138 St.Annes 10 69 23 99 33
PROPOSED STATIONS ACTIVITY Activity related Busiest DCP station: 777 mobilisations per annum Busiest station: midnight – 7 o’clock: 139 mobilisations per annum Busiest station: critical incidents – 241 mobilisations per annum Busiest station: critical incidents midnight - 7 o’clock: 46 mobilisations per annum
OVERVIEW DCP CREWING SYSTEM Looked at other services, MFRS particularly System of ‘positive’ and ‘standby’ hours: 42 positive, 42 standby per week (average) Positive 12-hours shifts during day - standby on nights from purpose built accommodation within station grounds – shift = 24hrs 14 staff rather than 28 – provision for 5 riders Response times same = no change for the public
Voluntary participation – DCP OVERVIEW Voluntary participation – no redundancy, adjustment by natural wastage opportunity to transfer to alternative station Voluntary participation - significant financial incentive to work DCP system Self-rostering system – requirement to work specific number of shifts over defined period
DCP OVERVIEW 33% individual FF productivity gain for training, CFS etc Reduction of 14 staff per station - cost savings up to £400K per pump One-off capital costs for accommodation etc
Phased implementation DCP OVERVIEW Phased implementation 6-month pilot – two from three stations i.e. St.Annes, Penwortham and Rawtenstall
DCP STAFFING Provision for 5 riders One watch only 14 staff - 1 x WM ‘B’ - 2 x Crew Managers - 11 Firefighters ‘Positive’ shifts = potentially more than five on duty (run with up to 8 for training) ‘Standby’ periods = maximum of five on duty
DCP DUTY REQUIREMENTS 182 ‘positive’ shifts per annum - before leave/PHs/training taken into account (actual = 148) Up to 182 ‘standby’ periods per annum Positive shifts: indicative 0800 – 2000 start/finish including meal breaks Standby periods 2000 – 0800 Shifts start at 08:00
DCP DUTY REQUIREMENTS 14 ‘positive’ shifts in each four week block Up to 14 ‘standby’ periods in each four week block Rota for each four week fully populated (1,2 & 3 preference group) – A/L populated for year No more than five consecutive shifts followed by minimum of two days free from duty (Grey Book) Duty periods flexible in accordance with station/personal needs
‘Positive’ shifts: work on station the same as currently DCP DUTY REQUIREMENTS ‘Positive’ shifts: work on station the same as currently ‘Standby’ periods from provided accommodation: emergency response and related activity only
DCP REMUNERATION DCP allowance equivalent to 32% of basic rate Allowance non-pensionable Allowance only payable whilst working DCP Allowance lost after four weeks sickness unless as a result of service injury
DCP REMUNERATION DAY CREWING SYSTEM REMUNERATION 2009/10 WATCH ROLE BASIC SALARY DCP ALLOWANCE CPD TOTAL REMUNERATION WATCH MANAGER ‘B’ £34,961* £10,855 £663 £46,479 CREW MANAGER £31,263 £9,707 £41,633 FIREFIGHTER £28,199 £8,755 £37,617 * Based on non-pay protected rate
Negotiations with FBU undertaken NEXT STEPS Negotiations with FBU undertaken Initial expressions of staff interest - October CFA decision yes/no – Dec 14th Commence implementation - January 2010 Construction Penwortham started 4th Jan Penwortham completed March 12th
NEXT STEPS Penwortham Go Live – 1st April 2010 St Annes Go Live - 1st July 2010 6 months pilot used to report progress and evaluate any options for amending prior to future role out.
Local Authority Planning LFRS had 6 different planning authorities to deal with. Builds consisted of:- 1 x Conversion 5 x New Build (facilities same - building bespoke - costs)
Accommodation Accommodation - Five en-suite rooms - TV/Internet facilities - Communal kitchen and lounge - Disabled access - Family visits permitted
Construction Buildings timber framed Rooms based on travelodge style Full AFD & sprinkler system installed BREEM rating (good – v, good) Initial Tender included PQQ (to save time in future)
Thank You