~ Child Labor Laws ~ Prepared By Mrs. Kristy Nevills Work Experience Coordinator Oswego County BOCES
Why Are There Laws? To help minors focus their energies on academics and then utilize their time accordingly to gain work experience. So minors won’t be overworked or taken advantage of.
Why Are There Laws? To be protected by the NYS Guidelines To have the same rights as any other employee does.
Who Is A Minor? Anyone who has NOT reached the age of adulthood... which is considered to be 18 years of age. Anyone who has NOT reached the age of adulthood... which is considered to be 18 years of age.
Working Hour Limitations New York State has very strict labor laws that limit the amount of hours a minor can work. The limitations have three parts. –What age they are –What type of work they are performing –Whether or not they are attending school
Working Hour Limitations Continued... Minors are not allowed to work during the hours when they are required to be attending school. School is generally in session from early September until the middle of June.
Daily Work Hours For 14 and 15 Year Olds You can not work... –More than 3 hours on any given school day. –More than 8 hours on a Saturday or a school vacation day. * These minors are exempt from the above rules if their job consists of farm labor or distributing newspapers.
Weekly Work Hours For 14 and 15 Year Olds You can not work... – –More than 18 hours on any given week. – –More than 6 days in any given week. * * These minors are exempt from the above rules if their job consists of farm labor or distributing newspapers.
Work Hour Exemptions For 14 and 15 Year Olds If students are enrolled in a New York State approved supervised work study or work experience program there are exemptions to the rules... – –These students may work 3 hours on a school day. – –These students are also allowed to work 23 hours in any one weeks time while school is in session.
Daily Work Hours For 16 and 17 Year Olds You can not work... –More than 4 hours on any day preceding a school day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). –More than 8 hours on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or any Holidays. * These minors are exempt from the above rules if their job consists of farm labor or distributing newspapers.
Weekly Work Hours For 16 and 17 Year Olds You can not work... –More than in any given week. –More than 28 hours in any given week. –More than in any given week. –More than 6 days in any given week.
Work Hour Exemptions For 16 and 17 Year Olds If students are enrolled in a New York State approved cooperative work experience program there are exemptions to the rules... –6 hours –May be employed up to a maximum of 6 hours on a day preceding a school day other than a Sunday or a holiday. – 4 hour –Any hours worked in a cooperative work experience program shall be included when calculating the number of hours worked for the 4 hour maximum limitation.
Restrictions On Working Nights Minors under 16 may not work... –Between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. in most jobs, after Labor Day through June 20 th. –Between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. from June 21 st through Labor Day. –In street trades between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Restrictions On Working Nights Continued... Minors 16 and 17 years of age may not work... –Between midnight and 6 a.m. when school is in not in session (vacation days). Minors 16 and 17 years of age may work... –After 10 p.m. until midnight during the school year, only with written consent from a parent and also hold a certificate of good academic standing from their high school.
Working Off The Books
It is against the New York State Labor Laws. It is totally against the law. You aren’t protected under insurance. You aren’t paying into your taxes. You aren’t required to be paid a minimum wage.
Mandated Posted Of Work Hours It is the employer’s responsibility to post the work schedule for any of their employees that are under 18 years of age. This work schedule must be posted in a designated place in the establishment.
What Must Be Provided! Social Security Card – –This you should always have in your possession in order to get working papers and also to show your employer to get a job. Working Papers – –These you can pick up at your school
Can I Answer Any Questions For You? If So Contact Me Anytime... Mrs. Nevills Work Experience Coordinator Oswego County BOCES Can I Answer Any Questions For You? If So Contact Me Anytime... Mrs. Nevills Work Experience Coordinator Oswego County BOCES