Français B
my Singular mon for masculine words ma for feminine words, unless they start with a vowel (then use mon) Plural Mes for all plural words
your (for sing. inf. you) Singular ton for masculine words ta for feminine words, unless they start with a vowel (then use ton) Plural tes for all plural words
his or her Singular son for masculine words sa for feminine words, unless they start with a vowel (then use son) Plural ses for all plural words
Complétez my sister his house your (s,inf) brother her bicycle my stapler her glasses your (s,inf) chair my pencil her poster ma sœur sa maison ton frère son vélo mon agrafeuse ses lunettes ta chaise mon crayon son affiche
our Singular notre for all singular words Plural nos for all plural words
your (for pl. or formal you) Singular votre for all singular words Plural vos for all plural words
their Singular Leurfor all singular words Plural leurs for all plural words
Complètez our street your (pl,form) family their notebooks our cousins our friends their sister their grandfather your (pl,form) pens our table your (pl,form) car notre rue votre famille leurs cahiers nos cousins nos amis leur sœur leur grand-père vos stylos notre table votre voiture