1 Welcome all the participants of XXIX European Symposium on Occultation Projects on the 20 th of August 2010 in York, England. Dear audience. The partial result of observation of 472 ROMA which were made by the research workers of Lódź Observatory, are presented in this letter. We would like to thank Mr. Bredner for his help. He saw our position and its equipment. He was also observing the star on our screen. Carl Zais’ 100/1000 refracting telescope was sending an image to the CCD camera and later to the inserter with a DCF77 signal. The film was being recorded for 2 hours with the use of VHS PANASONIC camcorder which was recording 50 frames per second. We converted an analog image to digital one and the film 472ROMA.avi was made. If You wish, Mr. Marek Zawilski, the representative of Lodz Observatory, can present it to You. Furthermore, we converted the photometric image of this phenomenon to numerical value of star’s brightness exact to 0,04 second.
2 We haven’t worked out the results yet. Nevertheless, while watching the film, we can see that after midnight Yed Prior (Delta Ophiuchi) was going out two times at least, clearly after 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th minute. We had to finish the numerical recordings of star’s photometry as you are starting XXIX ESOP proceedings. The complete report of observation will be sent after we will count whole images from our observation, this is: until six minutes after midnight of the 9 th of July, The result is properly recorded, during good weather conditions, begun when the star was uncovered by cloud. Now we know that it was partial occultation and that 472 Roma was spinning around. In the second part of the observation, after midnight, we can confirm the existence of satellite for 472 Roma. The film which was prepared by Lodz Observatory,can be used to create further hypothesis of 472ROMA’s movement. Yours sincerely, Mieczysław Stefan Borkowski i Remigiusz Jabłoński. Tłumaczyła na język angielski Karolina Ciesielska.
23: 57: : The eclipse the partial stars of delta Oph by 472 Roma