Semi Colons The mega comma!
Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.8.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
1. Semi colons can join 2 sentences without using a conjunction Ex. I gave my Rottweiler a bone; he devoured it within 2 minutes. Pattern: Sentence; Sentence Use this instead of: I gave my Rottweiler a bone, and he finished it within 2 minutes.
Caution Do NOT use a semi colon if a sentence already has a coordinating conjunction Incorrect: The bear pawed at the water; and he caught a fish. Correct: The bear pawed at the water, and he caught a fish. Correct: The bear pawed at the water; he caught a fish.
Examples Correct: I love macaroni and cheese; I could eat it every day. Incorrect: I love macaroni and cheese; and I could eat it every day.
2. Semi colons can join sentences with transitions Ex. People use 17 muscles when they smile; however, they use 43 muscles when they frown. Pattern: Sentence; transition, Sentence. Transitions that go with semi colons= however, on the other hand, therefore, otherwise, hence, thus, and more!
Examples Correct: Jane wanted to go to the midnight show with her friends; however, her parents would not let her stay out that late. Incorrect: Jane wanted to go to the midnight show with her friends, however, her parents would not let her stay out that late. Incorrect: Jane wanted to go to the midnight show with her friends; however her parents would not let her stay out that late.
3. Semi Colons can separate a list that has commas Ex. My favorite people are my mom, a great cook; my uncle, an air force pilot; and my neighbor, a horse trainer. Use this rule when you are making lists of cities with states too!
4. Semi Colons can Separate lists with lots of details This rule is optional. Writers use it for stylistic purposes. Commas will do too. Example: Wendy grabbed a handful of dog treats from the cabinet; strapped the red leash hanging on the back door to her dog’s collar; and collected her dog’s favorite chew toys because she wanted the day in the park to be awesome.
Where should the punctuation go? 1.Lizards need sunlight it helps keep their blood warm. 2.I like pickles however I cannot stand cucumbers! 3.This summer I traveled to Orlando, Florida Dallas, Texas and San Diego, California. 4.The sun was shining and the temperature was nice.