UCAS update Tony Charlton Professional Development Team © UCAS 2014 Entry At the heart of connecting people to higher education
What the session will cover Key context Changes and future developments UCAS teacher training (UTT) CUKAS Adviser resources At the heart of connecting people to higher education I thrive on questions – please ask if anything is unclear!
...the 2013 cycle in context 56, % 558, % 637, % At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Key findings At the heart of connecting people to higher education ▪ Record number of offers made by UCAS member providers (1.7 million) ▪ 31% of applicants received offers from all five choices ▪ A level remains the most widely held qualification for higher tariff institutions (only 3 BTEC holders placed for every 100 A level holders) ▪ 41,293 unplaced applicants living in England re-applied in 2013 European CallCentre nd CustomerService aards BestSocialMedia forCustomerServiceEuropean CallCentre nd CustomerService aards BestSocialMedia forCustomerService
Confirmation, Clearing & Adjustment At the heart of connecting people to higher education ▪ s sent out to students with confirmed places from 8.00am on A level results day ▪ 400,000+ applicants placed by close of office on A level results day – highest number ever ▪ Contact centre handled 19,000+ calls & our social media team 3,000+ messages 1230 students placed in Adjustment
Changes and future developments At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Changes for 2014 Apply Track screens UCAS course search tool At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Apply 2014 NOTE: ‘On time’ deadline for 15 January courses is 6pm not midnight on 15 January character minimum length for personal statement Completion of Education or Employment section now mandatory At the heart of connecting people to higher education Top tip: Register and make a ‘dummy’ application
At the heart of connecting people to higher education UCAS Apply – Video guidance Applicants have a show-hide option, and the setting will be remembered.. Videos have been introduced in every section of UCAS Apply bar Additional information and Student finance.
At the heart of connecting people to higher education UCAS and CUKAS Apply – disability field Although UCAS Apply counts down the characters, please note that CUKAS does not. We also have increased the text field size from 250 to 500 characters. Extra screen text has been added to explain why we collect this information.
To help applicants identify their schools (as there are over 20 schools called ‘St Mary’s’ out there!), address lines and post codes now appear on the school and college search in Education. At the heart of connecting people to higher education UCAS and CUKAS – School search This also means that applicants can search for schools in an area or by postcode, as the content in addresses will be picked up as a search token. For example, the search below shows results from searching on ‘Cheltenham’.
Track (applicant) At the heart of connecting people to higher education ▪ New-look version was released July 2013 (in time for Confirmation, Clearing and Adjustment) ▪ Further enhanced September 2013 for 2014 applicants
Easier navigation
What an applicant will see at Confirmation At the heart of connecting people to higher education
How to navigate our new-look website... The old style tabs (as below) have been replaced...but if you click on How it all works......you will be able to find information for students, parents & guardians and advisers & referees At the heart of connecting people to higher education
UCAS Search tool ▪ Search for Maths courses in North West for 2014 for someone who normally lives in England ▪ 13 providers listed (104 courses) ▪ Can view info on HEI & explore courses offered by each one ▪ Can view all courses ▪ Can view locations ▪ Further filters
At the heart of connecting people to higher education Search tool – subject clusters
Durham University Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations Northumbria University Architectural Engineering University of Newcastle Surveying and Mapping Science University of Sunderland Law and Photography University of Newcastle Folk and Traditional Music Newcastle College Children and Young People Northumbria University International Business Management University of Sunderland Network Computing Teesside University Crime Scene Science Can you identify the bogus courses? Ballistic Engineering Perfumery Bovine Management At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Proposed enhancements to Apply 2015 At the heart of connecting people to higher education Option to create new personal statement for UCAS Extra Facility to upload passport and other key documents 2015
Qualifications Information Review (QIR) Recommendation 1 # Qualification Information profiles Recommendations Recommendation 2 # Move towards grade- based entry requirements & offers Recommendation 3 # Comparing ‘demand’ across qualifications Recommendation 4 # Qualifications metric for HE management information purposes Recommendation 5 # Annual report on the use of qualifications in HE admissions Recommendation 6 # Optional admissions tools NQIS QIPs profiles Online guidance New points metric Other things on the horizon
UCAS Teacher Training (UTT) At the heart of connecting people to higher education
UTT (key facts) The UCAS-administered admissions system for postgraduate routes into teaching was launched on 21 st November 2013 In addition to established training programmes run by universities and school-centred initial teacher training providers(SCITTs), it includes 900 School Direct training providers in England Two application windows : - Apply 1* (21st Nov 2013 onwards) Apply 2 (2 nd Jan 2014 onwards) 23,975 applicants, as of 6 January 2014 * Will open earlier for 2014/2015 scheme At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Video available on the UCAS website At the heart of connecting people to higher education
CUKAS (i.e. music conservatoires) update At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Geographic coverage Conservatoires within CUKAS Birmingham Conservatoire Leeds College of Music Royal Academy of Music Royal College of Music Royal Northern College of Music Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Drama Not within CUKAS: Guildhall School of Music & Drama 3 At the heart of connecting people to higher education
CUKAS key features Separate UCAS application allowed 6 choices 100% online system £16 application fee (audition fees also payable*) Simultaneous application Visible No Extra / Clearing *Paid at the time of application through CUKAS, except Leeds College of Music (direct to them)
Adviser resources At the heart of connecting people to higher education
▪ E-newsletter launched Jan 2013 ▪ Provides monthly updates E-newsletter & adviser magazine ▪ Adviser magazine ▪ Distributed each term
At the heart of connecting people to higher education ▪ Adviser guide ▪ Videos ▪ Information (e.g. Writing references) ▪ Toolkits ▪ Parents Evening PowerPoint Downloadable resources
At the heart of connecting people to higher education UCAS publications ▪ The UCAS bookstore has ceased operations ▪ We have therefore made an arrangement with an external supplier to act on our behalf to take orders and fulfil requests for the UCAS publications listed below ▫ UCAS 2014 Entry Little Guide – Free of charge + P&P ▫ UCAS 2014 Entry Parent Guide – Free of charge + P&P ▪ Orders by telephone – (UK time) ▪ You will need to pay by card – no invoicing facility ▪ Outside of these hours with details of your order and a convenient date and (UK) time for operations to contact you, process your order and take payment card
At the heart of connecting people to higher education UCAS Schools team – how to contact Staff/advisers: :30am – 5:30pm Applicant line and social media support open until How to contact us
At the heart of connecting people to higher education Thank you for listening. Any final questions? Tel: