The call to action
Jack Hayford Healed of a mysterious disease as a child through the prayers of a local church His first church was 18 members with an average age of 65 Through his obedience to be led by the Holy Spirit, the church exploded into a 10,000 person multi facility group called the “Church on the Way”
Gift of Prophecy 1 Cor 12:4-11 Joel 2:28 followed by reinforcement in Acts 2:17 1 Cor 14:32
“The re-election of President Obama is yet another landmark of history that reveals the inevitable flow of events which increase in depth and spread when the church mistakes its mission. As one incident, the election outcome holds the portent of being a prophetic announcement of the impending end of the significance of the church in America, unless...”
Unless a reawakening of Christ's body in America occurs, which heeds the "first of all" priority of Paul, by the Holy Spirit (1 Tim. 2:1-2), assigned to the church's ministry of prayer and intercession for leaders, peoples and nations, no administration or political party will be capable of a solution to our nation's essential problems.
Unless the church becomes more persuaded that the fountainhead of its strength is in living worship-by which we humble ourselves, seeking God's presence
Unless the pulpits, sanctuaries and classrooms of the church be once again employed as centerpieces of shaping disciples unto transformation
Unless a vanguard of today's American church leadership chooses to take a stand with Israel as the Sovereign God's chosen people, the effect of our present apathy will advance an already increasing global anti-Semitism, and the brash rise in political scorn manifest today will continue to move our nation closer to the edge of self-destruction by reason of its collective choice to pass judgment against and forsake our support of God's ancient land and people; a choice certain to boomerang cataclysmic judgments upon us via a scenario which may well bring about the finale of our nation's existence (see Zech )."
In summary: the bitter fruit of the 2012 presidential outcome is not the party or person who is taking the White House, but in the disappearing fruitage of the church's inherent, God-given dynamic to affect the spiritual climate of our nation...
Confirmation: Billy Graham “"I ask you to join me in committing the next 52 weeks to faithful, even fervent, prayer for this land in which we live."
In the past two months alone UN authorization that Palestine become a non-voting member state with the capital being East Jerusalem ($200M in aid) Same sex marriages approved in two additional states Same sex marriages being performed on military bases Legalization of a mind altering drug 28 deaths of innocent people
The call to the church today:
At the request of BG, JH, and LN 2 Chronicles 7:14 Ezekiel 22: hours of prayer and fasting on 1/1/13 (from 12/31/12 at midnight through 1/1/13 at midnight) Establish January as a month of prayer and fasting for all 31 days – you decide the format Commit to 52 weeks of prayer for our nation