TRADICIONES -Nacimiento (nativity scenes) are extremely popular during this time and can range from actual figures of the Three Wise Kings to figures of the simpsons. -On Christmas Eve people gather for a midnight mass while yelling “tonight is the goodnight, and therefor it is not meant for sleeping” -On Christmas Day you would find yourself feasting at church while ‘swinging’. Swinging is literally swings set up in courtyards where children would sing while being accompanied by laughter. -Christmas dinner is never eaten until after midnight. The picture below is of a traditional Nativity Scene. This is larger and probably help in a more public place than a home:
DECORACIONES -A character us in the United States would find comical is taken extremely seriously in Spain. This is the traditional ‘Caganer’ which is an elf with its pants pulled down and there is a bit of its waste below it. It is actually more disgusting then comical. -During Christmas time the streets of Spain are usually light up with many lights and has poinsettas (traditional hispanic flowers). -Along with the lights there is usually a few speakers hidden along the streets playing christmas carols. -Although christmas there is usually more traditional and religious they have many new technological decorations. Below is a picture of Spain’s traditional Caganer.
CEREMONIAS -Christmas is a deeply religious holiday in Spain. They have mass and most everything they do is in religious tradition. -Nochebuena is the good night or christmas eve and is a time where families get together to feast and enjoy eachothers company by a nativity scene which is in about every home. -Dec. 28 th is Holy Innocents Day which is where people do civic chores and play pranks on others. It is almost like an April Fool’s Day that we have in America. -In Spain the kids get their presents on Epiphany and they also feast on that day. Below is a picture of people being involved in Midnight Mass:
COMIDA -The most popular sweet around christmas is the turron. -Marzipans can also be found and is made mainly of almonds and sugars. -The most ceremonial is probably the christmas ring which is almost like a pound cake and is eaten on January 6 th when the feast for the Three Wise Kings. Below is a picture of the famous Christmas Ring.
REGALOS -Here in the U.S. we believe that a man named Santa Clause travels the whole word and gives gifts to all of the children who are good and coal to those who aren’t. They believe that the three wise kings who brought Jesus Christ gifts on January 6 th is who delivers their gifts. They even get their gifts on January 6 th like Jesus did. -Here Christmas is mainly about getting gifts to most children. There it is about celebrating the Lord and that is something very important because it’s a day we can all have a similarity. Below is the three wise kings holding the gifts.