Ashley Holien
Standard Use time and money in real-world and mathematical situations. Objectives Students will be shown the basic concept of how to measure time on a clock. (minutes, half-hours, hours). Students will learn where the big and little hands should be pointing to on the clock at certain times. Students will distinguish between a.m. and p.m.
When your telling time, the little hand is called the hour hand. The big hand is called the minute hand. Little Hand Big Hand
Every number is 5 more minutes for the Big hand. minutes Big hand 12: 0 minutes. 1 5 minutes minutes 3 15 minutes 4 20 minutes
2:00- The little hand is on the 2. The big hand is on the 12. 9:00- The little hand is on the __. The big hand is on the __.
4:30- Little hand is past the 4, and the big hand on the 6. 7:30- Little hand is past the __. Big hand on the __.
7:15- Little hand is past the __. Big hand on the __. 7:45- Little hand is past the __. Big hand on the __.
A.M.- From 12 o’clock midnight-12 o’clock noon. ▪ Late night ▪ Morning P.M.- From 12 o’clock noon-12 o’clock midnight. ▪ Afternoon ▪ Early night
What time is it?
Pictures from =wi =wi