In Poland, Christmas is officially known as Boze Narodzenie, though it is most often referred to as Gwiazdka, meaning "little star." Christmas Eve in Poland is a time of family gathering and reconciliation. The day before Christmas sees the women of the household cleaning and sweeping the entire house. The Christmas Eve supper is an event of great enjoyment and high anticipation. A traditional Christmas Eve supper consists of 12 dishes. Each dish has to be sampled carefully before laying out before the diners. An ancient belief has it that the more one eats during Christmas Eve supper, the more pleasure awaits him in the future.
A traditional food found in Poland is Oplatek which is a piece of bread pressed with a holy picture on the surface. Oplatek is more symbolic than real food. We celebrate with at least 12 different vegetarian dishes like: mushroom soup, carp, cabbage with pea, stuffed dumplings, and shells macaroni with poppy "makielki". In some homes - some hay is put under the tablecloth (it is connected with Christ's manger).
Christmas trees are decorated with shiny apples, gifts, walnuts, wrapped chocolates in different shapes, homemade decorations and candles and are kept outside homes and churches. At the top of the tree, is a sparkling Christmas ornament, usually a star. Sparklers are hung on the branches of the tree to make it look heavenly. Sometimes, Christmas trees stand as late as 2nd of February, the feast day of St Mary of the Candle of Lightning. Gwiadorze or star carriers go from door to door during the Advent season until Epiphany. They sing carols, recite verses, perform puppet shows known as Szopi and put up Nativity scenes known as Herody. The customs of Szopi and Herody evolved from traditional manger scenes and Jaselka or crib.
Most Catholics, following the old traditions, celebrate the midnight Mass at midnight on Christmas. Christmas Eve has today gained almost the same level of importance as the holiday itself. Christmas celebrations start on the eve of Christmas itself. In the following lines, we have provided some ideas for celebrating the Eve of Christmas.
TThe lucky children of Poland receive presents twice. On St. Nicholas' Day on 6th December and on Christmas Eve.
THE END Made by Karolina Pluta