Traveller 2 By: Sulaiman Al Mohawes
at at six o'clock / at half past two at noon / at night / at midnight / at middy at the weekend at breakfast / at lunch / at dinner at fifteen / at the age of twenty at the moment
in in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening in April / in June / in January in spring / in winter / in autumn / in summer in 2006 / in the 20th century in my free time
on on Friday / on Sunday / on Monday on Friday morning / on Sunday afternoon on weekdays on 15th January
during I met Ali during my trip to Riyadh.
after He left after lunch.
before He arrived before midnight.
from...till/until/to We usually work from nine till five. We usually work from nine until five. We usually work from nine to five.
ago I came back from work an hour ago.