Strategies for Working with Students with Disabilities Sandi Patton North Harris Montgomery Community College District District Director of Disability.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Working with Students with Disabilities Sandi Patton North Harris Montgomery Community College District District Director of Disability Services July 30, 2007

Workshop Objectives Upon completion of training, participants will have greater understanding of: Legal Requirements Universal Design Overview of Types of Disabilities Basic Strategies and Resources Specific Disabilities and Tips Rights and Responsibilities

Legal Considerations IDEA Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Americans with Disabilities Act Section 508

IDEA Provides free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment “Entitlement”

Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of a public entity."

Section 508 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 508 establishes requirement that federal government, and by extension through the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, state government also, procure information technology that is accessible. A revised version of Section 508 was approved in August, 1998 which makes strong recommendations for web accessibility Only covers federal agencies or state agencies that receive Tech Act funding

Americans with Disabilities Act Extends coverage of Section 504 to employment, public and private educational institutions, transportation providers, telecommunication, regardless of presence of any federal funding.

Universal Design "The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, without the need for adaptation or specialized design."

Learn About Learning Styles Teaching Visual Learners Teaching Auditory Learners Teaching Kinesthetic Learners Applying Learning Styles Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities Multi-Sensory Approaches

Strategies to Help ALL Students Remember that strategies that help students with disabilities typically benefit ALL of the students in your class!

Organization and Technology Pave the Way Everyone benefits from outlines, copies of overheads. Technology can remove the barrier for some types of learning disabilities: –Optical Character Recognition with Voice Output –Voice Activation –E-text and Electronic Access –Digital Tape Recorders

Treat Each Student as an Individual Invite Disclosure Remember that Each Student is Unique Talk Privately with Each Student about Individual Needs Discuss with the Student How to Best Accommodate Needs and How Accommodations will be Implemented

Build Your Support Team YOU know the essential requirements of the course The STUDENT knows his/her limitations, based upon disability Your DSO COUNSELOR knows the accommodations needed for access RESOURCES, both at the college and in the community, can provide supplemental support

Working with Disability Services Office at your Campus Your college’s Disability Services Office will determine what accommodations are appropriate for the students with disabilities who are in your class and can assist you with implementation strategies.

Other Resources Assistive Technology Lab Learning Center Assessment Center Community Resources Websites


Disabilities Learning Differences (including LD and ADHD) Blindness and Low Vision Deafness and Hard of Hearing Psychiatric Disabilities Mobility Disabilities Other Orthopedic Disabilities  CP, MD, MS, amputees, arthritis, etc. Chronic Health Disabilities

Typical Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: There are NO Typical Accommodations “Case-by-Case Basis” Examples of Possible Accommodations: Extended Time for Testing Exams in Assessment Center Use of E-text for Textbooks and Exams Notes, Copy of Overheads, Tape Recorder Use of Technology for Reading or Writing Use of Calculator, Color Coding *EXCEPT WHEN THESE ARE THE SKILLS THAT YOU ARE EVALUATING AND THEY ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE CURRICULUM*

What is a Learning Disability ? A learning disability is a disorder of one or more cognitive processes and may impact a student’s ability to process reading, produce writing, and/or comprehend math. Additionally, executive functioning may be impacted.

Tips for Working with Students with Learning Disabilities Incorporate elements of Universal Design into instruction. Plan ahead. Students with reading disabilities may need materials in an alternate format. Prepare syllabus, handouts, exams ahead of time. When possible, always use textbooks that have electronic texts available if needed.

Use multi-sensory approach in class. Provide outlines of lectures. Present lecture material in a sequential, logical manner (as appropriate). Invite students with disabilities to privately meet with you to discuss any special needs. Respect the confidentiality and dignity of each student.

Tips for Working with Students who are Blind Discuss impact of vision loss with student Organization and early planning are key Work closely with college resources to provide alternate formatting for print text, selecting when possible texts that publishers can provide in alternate format Use descriptive language Encourage the use of assistive technology Printed materials on computer disk, and/or on a Web page, and

Special Tools and Techniques for Working with Students who are Blind Audiotaped, Braille, or electronic notes, handouts, and texts Raised-line drawings and tactile models Braille signage and auditory warning signals Adaptive/assistive equipment ( talking thermometers and calculators; tactile timers), Optical Character Recognition, speech output, Braille printer and refreshable Braille Increased time on tests, alternate formatting, Etests

Tips for Working with Students with Low Vision Impact of residual vision Seating near front of class; good lighting Large print books, handouts, signs, and equipment labels CCTVs (including microscope magnification) Assignments in electronic format Software to enlarge screen images Software to adjust screen colors

Extended time for testing Tests broken into segments Magnification devices In-class assistant Note taker, tape recorder ETests

Tips for Working with Students who are Deaf Age of onset Sensory neural, conductive, mixed Oral vs. Sign American Sign Language Deaf Culture

Interpreter Captioning  CART, Cprint, TypeWell Captioned videos Visual warning systems Identify speakers in the room and repeat what is said Note taking Face class when speaking Avoid backlights Speak directly to student

Tips for Working with Students who are Hard of Hearing May use assistive listening devices Lip reading myths Types of accommodations Isolation Repeat as needed Face students Use visual aids Copy of overheads

Tips for Working with Students with Psychiatric Disabilities All students must abide by student code of conduct Myths surrounding students with psychiatric disabilities Safe haven Emergency protocols

Accommodations that may be Helpful Extended time for testing Exams in Assessment Center (separate room) Note taker, tape recorder May need to be excused from public speaking, if appropriate May need to leave room May need to bring water to class Medication may slow/alter thinking

Tips for Working with Students with Mobility Disabilities Architectural barriers may be encountered May use mobility assistance (wheelchair, power chair, crutches Furniture may need adjusting to provide access If there are limited barriers, students may require minimal accommodations

Respect personal space, including chair Sit, kneel if talking for extended time Offer assistance, don’t force it Report architectural barriers Don’t presume disability = handicap If disability impacts hands/arms also, additional accommodations may be needed

Tips for Working with Students with Orthopedic Disabilities Needs vary greatly depending on students individual disability May or may not be visible May impact student’s ability to write, walk, sit May result in episodes of excessive pain Medication may result in altered patterns of thinking and/or behavior

Be aware that needs may vary, depending on flare-ups For hands/arms: extended time for tests  Extended time for tests  Note taker/tape recorder  Adaptive writing devices  Assistive technology For legs/back/feet  May need adjustable furniture  May not tolerate extended sitting

Tips for Working with Students with Chronic Health Disabilities Attendance issues may need addressing Distance education and independent learning can be option Health and disability challenges may fluctuate Discuss individual needs with student Be cognizant of accommodations that may be needed during flare-ups Consider options for make-up work, independent work, attendance considerations, and incompletes as appropriate

Rights and Responsibilities: Student Right to: Be evaluated based on ability, not disability An equal opportunity to learn and to participate in and benefit from the academic community Appeal decisions concerning accommodations Responsibility to: Self-Identify Provide documentation of disability Meet and maintain the institution ’ s academic and technical standards and Code of Conduct

Rights and Responsibilities: Professor Right to: Require ALL students to meet and maintain the institution ’ s academic and technical standards Teach in an environment supportive of learning and free of disruption Responsibility to: Comply with all aspects of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA (as apply to higher education} Refer students with disabilities who self-identify to DSO Implement reasonable accommodations that are prescribed by the DSO Maintain confidentiality when working with students with disabilities Treat every student with dignity and respect

Rights and Responsibilities: Disability Services Office Right to: Require documentation of disability and need prior to making accommodations Require ALL students to meet and maintain the institution ’ s academic and technical standards Work in an environment supportive of learning and free of disruption Responsibility to: Comply with all aspects of Rehab Act of 1973 and the ADA, as apply to higher education. Maintain confidential records for students with disabilities Protect and maintain confidentiality Prescribe/support reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities