Dissemination: Communication, Public Relations, and Propaganda Linda Mason
DISSEMINATION requirement influences shows accountability
DISSEMINATION The process of COMMUNICATING information about your research to the PUBLIC NOT propaganda
ALL THROUGH THE GRANT PROJECT Include dissemination strategies and activities from the very beginning Link the dissemination activities to: the statement of need, the program delivery, evaluation, and budget
NARRATIVE Include dissemination narrative in: your program narrative, evaluation plan, and budget % of the total budget amount
In no way should dissemination be an afterthought! Disseminate information about activities results findings successes failures human interest
FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE PROVIDED BY YOUR GRANTING AGENCY Use creativity Use tools available Tailor to fit your project
TARGET SEVERAL AUDIENCES Very local - your own department Local - your own college or university State Regional National International Specific audiences identified by the funding agency
REPORTS Document dissemination in quarterly, annual, and final reports Include both successes and failures Use reports and dissemination as a way to pave the future for more funding! Find out and let others know
HOW MUCH $? Rule of thumb - about 5-10% resources and effort Dissemination, Public relations Communicating about your grant efforts and results
HOW? Presentations at technical meetings Articles, briefs, other writings in journals, magazines, newsletters Press releases (you prepare and let reporters edit – include photos) Add information to a searchable data base Produce ‘How To’ guides Produce leaflets and brochures
HOW? Special targeted meetings on campus and off campus (host live meetings or use OneNet for videoconferences) department - college university - high school students county - high school teachers State- Region nation - international groups professional orgs - civic organizations Develop seminars and workshops of peers Speakers to provide talks to various community and professional organizations
HOW? Build dissemination events into your schedule Identify uses for your grant activities to be used in other settings Communicate your willingness to share: schools- organizations adult clubs- civic organizations scouts - university classes youth groups- academic clubs senior citizen programs university recruiters university career advisors Continuing education workshops
HOW? Community discussion groups Festivals Cultural events Conferences Face-to-face meetings Business leader groups Churches
HOW? Develop DVDs, CD-ROMs, video tapes Project website Add links to other websites, department, university, professional organization
HOW CAN ONE NET HELP? Videoconference local meetings Videoconference statewide meetings All Oklahoma colleges and universities All Oklahoma technical schools 85% High schools/middle schools Libraries Government offices and agencies Hospitals Businesses
HOW CAN ONE NET HELP? Videoconference national meetings Internet 2 National Lambda Rail Project websites Discuss with colleagues in other states and/or other countries Send results and data to colleagues in other states & other countries
HOW CAN ONE NET HELP? Share courses with other institutions Share courses with high schools Share courses with other countries Virtual field trips for students and researchers Research sites Work sites Application sites Other states Other countries Museums or special collections
OneNet OneNet is the nation’s largest private/public partnership telecommunication system. Universities and colleges in Oklahoma have access to the highest rated telecommunication in the United States. OneNet costs are invisible to the grant agency and the project director.
WHY? Lead to future funding Share with colleagues Share with the world New project ideas Recruit into the field Represent the field to the public Responsible citizenship Eliminate “reinvention of the wheel” Increase status - you, university, funder
REMEMBER: Practice ethical behavior Guard your intellectual property rights Do not violate other’s property rights Follow the public relations processes and procedures of your organization If there is not a policy, help develop one
DISSEMINATION Have fun Enjoy Share Communicate Bask in your successes Celebrate successes with others Educate your communities Remember, a success includes identifying a failure and providing insights for its remediation.