Russia Controlled Assessment CA Planning L.O. To begin to prepare for writing up your Controlled Assessment Starter: Get out your source packs and compare and links you’ve found between sources with a partner – note down any that you missed
Reasons for the downfall of the Tsar Tsar responsible Other factors responsible Can you group any of these reasons together? What headings would you put them under? These could be your ‘big ideas’ that form the 4/5 paragraphs of your CA
Choosing your Big Ideas Choose your 4/5 big ideas – they do not need to be the same as your partner’s – your essay should be individual and there is no right/wrong answer How will you order them? Chronologically? In order of significance?
Big IdeasOwn KnowledgeSourceImpact (how did it contribute to Bolshevik Revolution?) How will you order your ‘Big Ideas’? How do they link together?
Homework Use the table to prepare an essay plan which I will look over next lesson Due: 23/10
How do I write a CA paragraph? Point (the focus of your paragraph) Evidence (supported by the sources e.g. quotes) Try to use 2-3 sources per paragraph, address any links/disputes between them and fully analyse 1 source Explain how the factor contributed to the downfall of the Tsar Link (can you link the paragraph to the next one?) Identify the features from this checklist in the paragraph you have been given
Model Paragraph “The Russian people were also suspicious of corrupt leadership as alluded to in source 6. This cartoon shows the Tsar and Tsarina in the grip of the hated Rasputin who people feared had the ear of the Tsarina and thus influence over the running of the country. The outbreak of war in 1914 provided some respite from these problems as the Russian people were willing to follow Tsar Nicholas II into battle. The painting in source 3 shows the religious significance attached to the war, as the soldiers kneel before the Tsar and the holy icon he is holding before them. However, by 1917 the war was turning into a disaster for Russia with high casualties and crushing defeats.” “At home too, appalling living conditions were leading to discontent, as source 7, a police report from 1916 warns ‘The industrial proletariat of the capital is on the verge of despair...the smallest outbreak will lead to uncontrollable riots’. This is a reliable source as it was produced at the time by a police officer who would want to portray an accurate picture of what was happening in Petrograd to his superiors. Its content is corroborated by the fact that in 1916 conditions in the city were desperate, as seen in the photograph in source 8 of women queuing for bread in the cold. Whoever could overcome these conditions could seize power, but failure to do so would pave the way for revolution. It is arguably these conditions, coupled with the weak control of the Tsar, that gave revolutionaries the opportunity to exploit them for his March Revolution.” Identify the features from the checklist in this paragraph
Your Question “ How far was Tsar Nicholas responsible for his own downfall?”
Model Plan Introduction ( words) set up the debate and make it snappy/catchy 1.Big Idea 1 2.Big Idea 2 3.Big Idea 3 4.Big Idea 4 5.Big Idea 5 Conclusion ( words) – should be longer than intro and reach a clear judgement that answers the question Order your paragraphs how you like: e.g. chronologically, order of importance – don’t all do the same order! These paragraphs should be between words in length depending on how important a factor you think it is
Mark Scheme Let’s go through this together and hi-lite the key skills you need to demonstrate to get into band 5
Homework Over half term you should be doing the following: Check you understand the story/order of events Write up a practice paragraph Roughly plan your essay – main point of each paragraph/which sources will you use? Use the planning table I gave you Due: 03/11