Louis D. Brandeis By: Miles Butler
Vocation Attended Harvard Law School from 1875 until 1877 He was a very successful and intelligent lawyer Became an associate justice for the U.S. Supreme Court Would also become the secretary of the Harvard Law School
Background Born in Louisville, Kentucky Graduated from Harvard Law School with the best academic record of any student up until that point. Parents were Bohemian Jews Would become an active and very influential follower of Zionism. His uncle had a very strong effect on him and his religious beliefs. It was so strong that he would later change his middle name to his uncle’s name, Dembitz. His parents and rest of family, especially his uncle, contributed to his life mainly by religious ideas.
Defining Moment This came when Brandeis met and got to know his uncle, Lewis Naphtali Dembitz. This was the defining moment in his life because Dembitz opened Brandeis’s eyes to the idea of Zionism. This would influence the rest of Brandeis’s life because he would use his beliefs to make political decisions and as a basis for his ideas.
Contribution He was the first Jew to ever become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. He would battle “bigness” in corporations. He believed that centralizing corporations took away the ability for individuals to think for themselves and pave their own life. He became an advocate for the government to regulate competition to prevent this centralization of corporations. He also fought for an increase in the support of the Zionist cause. He would actively work in World War I with the Zionist affairs and increase American interest in supporting the Zionist Movement.
Sources Brinkley, Alan. American History A Survey (textbook) ource/biography/Brandeis.html ource/biography/Brandeis.html andeis andeis bio.html bio.html Google Images