Any data..! Any where..! Any time..! Live From Lisbon Standards in Action in Canada: Laying the foundation for infrastructure LIsbon, March 2001 Henry.


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Presentation transcript:

Any data..! Any where..! Any time..! Live From Lisbon Standards in Action in Canada: Laying the foundation for infrastructure LIsbon, March 2001 Henry Kucera Canadian Advisory Council Holonics Data Management Group Ltd

Partners/Sponsors International Standards Organization (Standards Council of Canada) GeoConnections Centre for Topographic Centre for Topographic Information (Sherbrooke)

Partners/Participants Safe Software Inc. CubeWerx Helical Systems Ltd. Holonics Data Management Group Intelec Geomatics Caris

National interests in Sustainability …. Information on many processes (biophysical habitat WETLAND) X X Fisheries Stream class A X Forest Tenures Rare & Endangered Species Waste Permit Pesticide Permit X X Environmental Assessment Act Ecosystem Integrity X X Fish Stock Releases Hatchery Mgt Petroleum Exploration Fisheries Coastal Zone Management Shipping of products Water Licenses Lakes Database Mine Operations Watersheds Management

Adopting open standards & specifications from the international arena is critical Canada is building several national infrastructures:  Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure;  GeoScience Knowledge Initiative;  National Forest Information System;  Ocean Portal and Marine infrastructure;  National Transportation Network Key to success is seen in open standards and specifications and the SCOTS products based on the standards:  ISO TC211 and ISO JTC1 SC32  OGC (Open GIS Consortium): WMT-1,2 and now MPP;  W3C (World Wide Web Consortium): XML, XHTML;  3i (Information Interoperability Institute): Industry led group working on open source interoperbility tools based on ISO TC211 & JTC1-SC32, OGDI and OGC WMS-WFS;

Strategic Goals for Standards in Canada Strategic goals are to: è achieve interoperability by establishing a common information infrastructure for use by all stakeholders è promote and leverage existing and evolving Canadian Technology and expertise (e.g., CEONet, MID-C, AquaGIS, III/OGDI, and others); è gain competitive advantage by consolidating various independent Canadian initiatives; è nurture the development of Canadian expertise and products to provide entry to foreign markets è cooperate with international activities to ensure the Canadian solution is in tune with international community; è ensure the compliance of Canadian products by funding standards activities (Standards Council of Canada); è demonstrate solutions for the global delivery of integrated geospatial information, applications and services.

Canada is adopting Standards and profiles to support implementations in many environments POLICY & PLANNING INFORMATION GENERATION SEARCH & RESCUE SURVEILLANCE EDUCATION & TRAINING Business Data Usage DISTRIBUTED PRODUCTION DATA MANAGEMENT & PRODUCT DISSEMINATION INTEGRATION & CONFLATION SERVICES Data Assimilation & Management Tactical Data Imagery LIDAR SAR etc Vector Data VMAP 1 & 2 FRAMEWORK DATA VITD 1:50K CADRG 1:250K UVMAP 1:10K ITD 1:50K PITD 1:250K Marine Charts Input Data Integration Multi-schema Multi-source Multi-resolution Multi-temporal

Standards in Action Demonstration Highlights u Distributed navigation, data access, viewing and download as an implementation of Simple feature Access (ISO/TC & ), Metadata (ISO/TC ), and Spatial referencing by coordinates (ISO/TC ); u GeoSpatial Standards based data products, related to ISO/TC (Spatial Schema), ISO/TC (feature cataloging methodology), and IS0/TC 211 (spatial reference by coordinates); u Multilingual support for metacontent as per ISO/TC (Metadata); u Open Geospatial Data Store Interface, related to ISO/TC (Services); u Geographic Markup Language, related to the ISO/TC (Encoding); u Electronic nautical charts, related to the ISO/TC (Portrayal); u Self-Defining Structure (SDS) and Helical Hyperspatial Codes (HH Codes) as a type of coverage function related to the proposed ISO/TC (Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions) and (Imagery and Gridded Data Components). Canada has created a demonstration site to showcase the components of a standards-based distributed spatial architecture.

Points of Implementation in a three tier architecture TC211 FGDC GILS NTDB Feature Catalog M3/Cat MetaManager CEONet Spatial Direct HH Tile CW_ConvertCW_Load XML WMS/WFS(OGC) GML OGDI CubeServ Caris Fusion Server CubeView HH Viewer USI Spatial Fusion client DSSI & Spatial Direct Clients Servers Services Data Base Catalogue File Server Registry SDS, VPF, others FME SDS Utilities WMS OGDI CubeSTOR, Oracle 8i SQL XML CD ,2 USI Service Registry HTTP, XML 19119

Access to Data Distributed navigation, data access, viewing and download as an implementation of: è Metadata (ISO/TC ), so we can find data to access. è Catalogs (ISO/DIS 19110) to describe the type of data we are accessing, è Simple feature Access (ISO/TC & ), l Need a common spatial Schema so we know what types we are asking for so we have TC (Vector) and TC (Image and Gridded Data), and l Implementations based on queries using the harmonized simple feature model interfaces implemented based on (ISO TC ) è The ability to fuse and tranform information for different purposes is enabled by Spatial referencing by coordinates (ISO/TC );

MetaData in Canada CTIS - National Topographic Database è Products available are described in detail using metadata stored in a database environment. As in feature catalogue, a view complying to ISO CD , Geographic information - Metadata standard is available. Multi-lingual is supported by the databases. l Canadian Earth Observation Network (CEONet) è Various data holdings, collections and services are described using FGDC profile and communicated via a Z39.50 interface. l CGKN and other infrastructure initiatives use various metadata profiles such as: è GILS, è the Canadian Metadata Standard ( ) è the Dublin Core è or a hybrid (subsets or supersets of a given specification). l Recognizing the need for a more complete, flexible and standards compatible approach GeoConnections funded the development of a next generation metadata manager and interface.

NTDB example of a standards based metadata & feature catalog (ISO 19110)  NTDB Feature Catalogue and Metadata è Feature Catalog: CTIS at Sherbrooke, developed a database environment to manage the feature catalogue allows us to document semantics of geospatial features and provide it according to ISO/DIS 19110, Geographic information - Feature cataloguing methodology. This environment is functional and can be consulted on Internet. è Metadata Products available are described in detail using metadata stored in a database environment. As in feature catalogue, a view complying to ISO CD , Geographic information - Metadata standard is available. è NTDB Data as part of CGDI è Migration of the existing data (60 millions records /100 GB of data) to Oracle 8i using standardized geometries (ISO CD , Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture and ISO CD , Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option). è This infrastructure allows to use several commercial client applications for consulting the data (locally or via Internet).

Multistandard, Multilingual Metadata CATaloguing = M 3 CAT l Web based cataloguing tool l Tested with users l Available free l Development funded by the GeoConnections Program l Features è Approval process è Use of various technologies è Web (standalone and Internet) è Various DBMS è Support of HTML, XML and SGML è Interface to Z39.50 servers è Import and Export

M 3 CAT l Multi “standards” and templates: provided with FGDC, GILS, ISO, NBII and PGGQ l Multilingual with templates, profiles and semi- automatic user driven language translation l Cataloguing aids è Wizards and Help è Metadata according to data set type (templates) è Multiple levels of data sets with inheritance è Online validations and reference parameters in pick lists è Map interface (multi-projection, multi datum)

M 3 Cat - Standards based meta tool l Meta model to allow users to insert and use standards, profiles of standards and templates l Multilingual and cultural templates l Semantic Analysis Tools for mapping between languages and templates Datastore Database Z39.50 Service

Text Cartridge CubeSTOR Spatial Cartridge SQL Engine CubeSTOR Server Oracle 8i Spatial Oracle Network Computing Architecture Server in Fredericton Data in Sherbrooke Spatial data Attribute data Meta data Multiple datasets Spatial Load Facility (FME & OGDI) Data Cleansing, Topology Validation & Quality Assurance DLGEOO..Many Spatial Direct Java API OGDI Server Apache Web Server CubeSERV Server Tomcat JSP Server Service Interface CubeView OGDI Interface CARIS Server Data in Ottawa, Victoria, NASA etc. Spatial data Attribute data Meta data

OGDI - Feature Server: The OGDI is a very useful tool in the absence of a completed web feature server specification It has been implemented by several vendors including Intergraph, CubeWerx and Global Geomatics

Access using an Integrated Web Client or CubeVIEW Metadata and non-spatial data Java Server pages Java Integration Server Spatial data CubeWerx Java API Integrated Capabilities Integrated Maps CubeSERV (Cascading) Html pages CubeSTOR / Oracle Other ISO compliant data stores

A Core Underlying Metadata model

Rendering Map server Presentation Web Browser Feature Delivery Feature Server OGC Web Map Server Specifications (V1.0.0) OGC Web Feature Server Specifications (Draft V0.0.10) Presentation service Map Server service Feature Server service OGC based Web Map and Feature Server Architecture

Providing for Symbology Using OGC Web Map Server Specification V Rendering Map server Presentation Web Browser OGC Web Map Server Specifications (V1.0.0) OPERATIONS: Describe Capabilities Select Features Generate Map RETURN : Capabilities (XML) Map (Many Formats) FeatureInfo (MIME Type) REQUEST: GetCapabilities (HTTP Get) GetMap (HTTP Get) GetFeatureInfo (HTTP Get)) Introducing concept of “Style Layer Descriptor” inside GetMap request

# pink 1.0 Feature denifinition and Styled Layer Descriptor in XML as a type of encoding as defined by ISO/TC

#ff Encoding a reference to a SLD stored centrally

An example of rendering with Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)

Generating S57 Electronic Chart Portrayal è The Dynamic data Portrayal is done using IHO/IMO - S57 rules from Object Based Standards Architecture SQL è The ENC-S57, DNC Products are generated from VLDB Multibeam Data sets using the Proposed Matrix/ Raster Imagery and Gridded Data Components ISO19124 in conjunction with S57 Hydrographic extended Catalogs. è But we can do more. But we can do more.

A proposed approach for an image and gridded data: HHCode è HH Codes are based on the Rieman Hypercube Structure: a coverage function where data elements may be of different sizes, and the coverage may be in a number of dimensions. è A coverage is defined as an object that uses a coverage function to return one or more attribute values for any direct position within its spatio- temporal domain. è (Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions, ISO/TC ). è SDS Self Defining Structure is an implementation of of the Riemann Hypercube Structure for image and gridded components (ISO TC )

Scalable architecture for files, applications and RDBMS Architectures è Encapsulation of Metadata and Information associated with data elements. è Encapsulation of methods related to data elements. è Handle VLDB large Volumes of data è Improve and maintain Data Quality (metadata imbedded in the structure) è Facilitate existing Data Management Infrastructure (connects to existing filed based on relational systems) è Facilitate Interoperability between applications. è Reduce Data Duplication and Data Loss Data Administration and Management

A Hierarchical view of metadata deployment Managing Harmonization, Integration, Creation, Preservation, Retention, Disposal Finding Time, Place, Theme, Focus Assessing Relevance, Quality, Cost, Timeliness, Concepts, Methods, Sources, Using Classifications, Questionnaires, Codebooks, Dictionaries, Database Schemas, Record Layouts

Benefits of SDS architecture for distribution, replication and archive è Ease Storage and Retrieval of VLDB data è Fast Distributed Data Access over high speed, extranets and wireless networks. è Ease Data Maintenance (using metadata to manage update). è Facilitate Stability and Extendability of Long Term Archives è Reduce impact of re-organization of data schemas

Acquisition & Preprocessing Acquisition Diff Analysis 2D/3D Editing Data Supersede 2D/3D visualization Tiling Data Analysis and Objectifying Data Fusion 2D/3D cleaning 2D/3D Data Adjustment Datums SDS Utilities 2D/3D Multi attribute Interpolation Validate Data Helical Tools Convert to SDS (Candidate Coverage Type 19123/19124) GIS/ Visualization Web Applications CARIS PCI Wireless Access Mechanisms Web Mapping Services FME- SDS Internet Products Store in RDBMS and dense Data Archives Extract old data for re-evaluation Update mechanism supported by synchronization of metadata in the sds coverage

CHS DIR Source documents metadata Session Data Session info and parameters Session Layer HH Viewer HH Utilities CHS DIR Other tools Process control Source data Source Database Source Database Server Environment CubeSTOR HH Utilities Task Manager Managing the data and metadata Database

Standards (and SCOTS) will enable the enterprise architecture Non-traditional resources Classified imagery observations, descriptions 3D models Maps, imagery: NTDB, AVHRR digital elevations, DTED etc. Heterogeneous sources DISTRIBUTED SOURCE DATA (profiles, schema, quality) Common Environment for data Management LoadIng Tools SCOTS Tools to support schema mapping and structure integration QualIty assurance Pluralistic distributed database environment Clients Publisher Multi-tool support Editor Discovery Viewer Service Architecture OGC, ISO TC211 Catalog Service Distribution ServIces Interface Registry Service Portrayal Service Map Service Transformation Service Feature Service

Evaluation Prototype & Testing Formulation Development Methods & Standards PracticesTools Technology standards - coupled with best business practices pave the way to open systems

Questions, Comments and Discussion Muito Abrigado! Come and visit the demonstration site