FP7-Infra-2011-2.1.1 : Design studies for European Research Infrastrutures 1st October 2011 – 31st December 2014 Duration 39 months – Periods : 2 (month.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7-Infra : Design studies for European Research Infrastrutures 1st October 2011 – 31st December 2014 Duration 39 months – Periods : 2 (month 18 – month 39) Grant Agreement No: ; Total budget : 3,5 M€ 19 partners from cy, de, fr, gr, it, no, es, uk “Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management” General Assembly

WP1 Project Scientific and Technological coordination UPMC and all partners

WP1 Objectives Ensure the coordination of the project on scientific and technological aspects in conformity with the objectives, methods and quality standards described in the contract (task 1.1) Internal and external communication (task 1.2)

Work progress task st General assembly: Kick-off meeting in Nov in Paris 4 formal Steering Committee meetings Several informal SC meeting during WPs workshops 1 st periodic scientific report (delayed end June 2013) Risk - contingency action registry established End of 1st reporting period, March First report accepted by the EC 2 nd General Assembly, Trieste, 04-05/06/13 3 formal Steering Committee meetings EGO/GROOM meeting, Kiel, 16-17/06/14 Grant period extension required and accepted, 12/08/14 Detailed review for 4 key deliverables. Still to be done for D5.1, D5.7 and the final report 3rd General Assembly, Paris, 19/09/14

Work progress task 1.2 GROOM website Paper in MERCATOR-CORIOLIS Newsletter, April 2012, “Towards a global glider infrastructure for the benefit of marine research and operational oceanography” Paper in "International Innovation": Helping marine science reach new depths (Oct. 2012) Editorial in "Sea Technology Magazine": Gliders Evolving to Enhance Ocean Observation (Dec. 2012) Special session at EGU2013 chaired by EGO/GROOM Ocean Business 2013, Southampton, 09-11/04/13 GROOM at JCOMM-OCG, Silver Spring, USA, 05-07/09/13 GROOM at Workshop on Arctic and Marine Research Infrastructures, Rome, 17/09/2013 GROOM at EuroGOOS, Brussels, 20/11/13 Special session "Autonomous platforms" at OSM co-chaired by GROOM, 23-28/02/14 GROOM at OI'14, London, 11-13/03/14

Work progress task 1.2 GROOM at 2 nd ICRI, Athens, 02-04/04/14 EGO/GROOM at COST Conference in Sopot, Poland, “The predictive power of marine sciences in a chaging climate” GROOM at "Landscape of the European Research Infrastructures for Environmental Sciences ", Paris, 22/05/14 PLOCAN Glider School, Las Palmas, 14-19/07/14 GROOM at 6th IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium, Tallinn, 26/05/14 Glider demonstration and capacity building in Algeria, Sidi Fredj, /05/14 EGO/GROOM final meeting, Kiel, 16-17/06/14 and several others …  STRONG REMINDER: Fill "Dissemination activities" page on Vitamib (!)

Work progress task 1.2: Brochure and "Gliderport booklet" Extensive distribution of the brochure by the coordinator (OI'14, ICRI, …) + pencils + T-shirts And by the partners (!)  STRONG REMINDER to all to continue  Be reactive to Daniel and Jelto's solicitations for the booklet

Work progress task 1.2: OI'14 9m2 Booth. Animation by UEA, SAMS, UPMC/CNRS, … 2 (nice) GROOM videos displayed. Can be downloaded from GROOM website for further use More than 150 GROOM contacts with tracking. Several contacts with students and young people Participation to 2 OI'14 workshops with Oil&Gas stakeholders  First real accurate awareness for us of a potential "industrial" market for the glider activity

Description of the present infrastructure (hardware, personnel, running costs,…) Survey on possible sensors to implement on gliders for Research, Ocean Observation & Management New infrastructure components developed and tested (operations, calibration, visualization, risk analysis, mission planning piloting,…) Outreach (Web sites, training, young audience) GROOM main achievements

International coordination (USA, AUS, EU and others) Setup an international community of (best) practice A first common data format was issued in the 3 main poles of glider activity (EU, USA and AUS).  First agreed evidence Gliders as a component of the GOOS such as the Argo profiling floats, the OceanSites moorings…

GROOM main achievements Assessment of the possible levels of European integration  Definition of the desired levels of European integration by the partner (final report) Gliders will be included in the next ESFRI roadmap  to be done: better assessment at the national level of the priority on a national gliders RI (Sp, Fr: should be OK ; UK, No, It: check)  Really investigate the DG REGIO funding schemes?

GROOM main achievements Numerous scientific papers and communications related to GROOM  STRONG REMINDER: Fill "Dissemination activities" page on Vitamib Not finished yet (3 months extension). Achievements really made concrete after  Review of publishable deliverables (D2.1, D3.5? D4.1? …) and publication if suitable  Write and publish the Final Scientific Report (due to EC before 28/02/2015)

The next steps for gliders… Continue GROOM participation to next ESFRI roadmap  be ready for 2016 EU calls Concretize relation between EGO/GROOM and EuroGOOS BRIDGES Technological proposal for a deep glider submitted to BG6/H2020 led by GROOM AtlantOS proposal submitted to BG6/H2020. Glider task led by CNRS JERICO+ proposal submitted to INFRAIA/H2020. TNA for gliders, data management for delayed mode and technological task on sensors ENVRI+ proposal submitted to INFRADEV/H2020. Small contribution of GROOM  Prepare GROOM participation to H2020 calls for BG calls: MedOS ? INFRA calls: ESFRI implementation ?

FP7 plans and achievements For new or existing RIs, The EU needs to pave the way towards an efficient MRI ‘ecosystem’ Member States remain the key actors Large facilities Distributed European facilities Regional Partner Facilities Linked with EU and national programs, universities & schools Allow to network with industrial suppliers/users ’. Without the joint involvement of the scientific communities and the territorial development actors, the EU will not succeed in managing this (efficient) ‘ecos-system’

The Future… ENVRI+? GROOM+ ??? ERIC EuroArgo JERICO+ ? Marine RIs FP7 Marine RIs H

The Future… ENVRI+? GROOM ?? FIXO3 ?? EMSO ?? ERIC EuroArgo JERICO+ ? Marine RIs FP7 Marine RIs H

Advisory board Merged Advisory (scientific) Board and Policy Maker Board Two step consultation : 3 experts at the GA and review process for the final scientific report and executive summary by all AB members EuroGOOS : –Which institutional support from EuroGOOS ? –Which kind of concrete actions can be conducted to exploit EGO/GROOM momentum ? FIXO3 : –Concretize potential GROOM input to WP11 "Optimization of ocean observing capability" ? –Which kind of concrete actions can be conducted to exploit EGO/GROOM momentum ? EuroArgo and ESFRI : –Which concrete glider work in relation with the EuroARGO ERIC ? –What about an ESFRI trend toward a large Marine RI ?