Overview Data Needs and Data Sources Chemical Data R. Bradley Pierce, NASA LaRC Workshop on Chemical Data Assimilation and Data Needs for Air Quality Forecasting Holiday Inn-Silver Spring Silver Spring, MD June 20-22, 2005
Outline Data Needs: Transported species in typical AQ model Data Sources: Surface: EPA AIRNow Profile: Ozonesonde, MOZAIC Satellite:Current (Aura), Future (NPOESS)
Chemical families Ox=O(1D)+O(3P)+O3+NO2+HNO3+2(NO3)+3(N2O5)+HNO4 NOy=N+NO+NO2+NO3+2(N2O5)+HNO3+HNO4+ClNO3 Climatological Species: ClONO2, N2O, CH4 16) C2H6 (ethane, 2C) 17) ALD2 (acetaldehyde+higher group, 2C) 18) ETHOOH (ethyl hydrogen peroxide, 2C) 19) PAN (2C) 20) PAR (paraffin carbon bond group, 1C) 21) ONIT (organic nitrate group, 1C) 22) AONE (acetone, 3C) 23) ROOH (C3+hydrogen peroxides group, 1C) 24) MGLY (methylglyoxal, 3C) 25) ETH (ethene, 2C) 26) XOLET (terminal olefin carbon group, 2C) 27) XOLEI (internal olefin carbon group, 2C) 28) XISOP (isoprene, 5C) 29) XISOPRD (isoprene oxidation product-long lived, 5C) 30) PROP_PAR (propane paraffin, 1C) 31) CH3OH (methanol) 32) XMVK (methyl vinyl ketone, 4C) 33) XMACR (methacrolein, 4C) 34) XMPAN (peroxymethacryloyl nitrate, 4C) Typical List of Transported Species (Reduced stratosphere, extended CB4 tropospheric chemistry*) Ox-HOx-NOx+CH4+CO oxidation NMHC Chemistry 1) Ox 2) NOy 3) HNO3 4) N2O5 5) H2O2 6)HNO4 7)H2O 8)NO3 9)NO2 10)CH2O 11)CH3OOH 12)CO 13)CH4 14)ClONO2 15)N2O = Observed in Troposphere (Global column and CONUS surface) = Observed in Stratosphere *Based on reduced version of RAQMS unified Strat/trop Chemical mechanism
CONUS surface Ozone measurements NAMS+ SLAMS~ AIRNow Available in NRT
CONUS surface NO2 measurements NAMS+ SLAMS network for regulatory Purposes Not NRT
CONUS surface CO measurements NAMS+ SLAMS network for regulatory Purposes Not NRT
EPA SupersitesSEARCH sites Enhanced surface measurement sites
AIRMAP sites
Profile: IONS ozonesonde sites Anne Thompson (PI) The INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study (IONS) consists of a coordinated network of ozonesondes that operated daily during July-August 15, 2004
The MOZAIC program (Measurement of OZone and water vapour by AIrbus in-service airCraft) consists of automatic and regular measurements by five long range passenger airliners flying all over the world. MOZAIC I (O3 and H2O) 1993 – 1996 MOZAIC II (O3, H2O, developing NOY, CO instr.) MOZAIC III (O3, H2O, NOY, CO) – 1999-present. Profile: MOZAIC airborne measurements
From Anne Thompson (IONS PI) & Bob Chatfield (INTEX MOZAIC PI) April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop Median ozone profiles July 1- August 15, 2004 (IONS plus MOZAIC)
Col= total atmospheric column from surface to space Nadir is a column measurement that can distinguish some vertical layers Limb scans down through the atmosphere with good vertical resolution to the tropopause. Satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Measurements
TOMS/SBUV Seasonal Tropospheric O3 Variation *From Fishman et al., 2003 Seasonal mean tropospheric ozone columns obtained by subtracting empirically corrected SBUV stratospheric column ozone from TOMS total column ozone*
MOPITT 850mb CO observations averaged over 4 years (March 2000-February 2004) for each season. MOPITT Seasonal 850mb CO Variation Image Credit: Cathy Clerbaux, NCAR
MOPITT Averaging Kernels *Louisa Emmons, April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop, Insitu data from G. Sachse MOPITT CO Measurement Validation* INTEX-A MOPITT Validation
GOME NO2 contact: Andreas Richter, Univ of Bremin, Germany The GOME Tropospheric NO 2 product uses the Pacific sector as a clean background value. The difference between the actual measurement and the reference sector interpreted as tropospheric excess. GOME Tropospheric NO2 Column
GOME NO2 column vs EPA AIRNOW (June-August, 1997) Generally poor correlation is due to large GOME footprint GOME Tropospheric NO2 retrieval from R. Martin
SCIAMACHY NO2 contact: Andreas Richter, Univ of Bremin Germany SCIAMACHY Tropospheric NO2 Column The SCIAMACHY Tropospheric NO 2 product has much higher horizontal resolution than GOME. Each scan covers an area on the ground of up to 960 km across track with a resolution of 26x15 km
EOS Aura Atmospheric Chemistry High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS:USA/UK) –Measures IR limb emission of stratospheric and upper tropospheric trace gases and aerosols Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS:USA) –Measures microwave limb emission of ozone destroying chemicals and upper tropospheric trace gases Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES: USA) –Down looking and limb looking measurements of air pollution Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI: Netherlands/Finland) –Measures column ozone and aerosols - continues global ozone record of TOMS MLS TES nadir OMI HIRDLS Direction of motion TES limb
OMI Ozone Monitoring Instrument –Nadir solar backscatter spectrometer nm 13x24 km footprint Swath width 2600 km –Radicals: Column O3, NO2, BrO, OClO, O3 profile ~ 5 km resolution, HCHO –Tracers: Column SO2 –Aerosols (smoke, dust and sulfates) –Cloud top press., cloud coverage –Surface UVB –Tropospheric ozone residual (when combined with MLS or HIRDLS) Ozone Monitoring Instrument –Nadir solar backscatter spectrometer nm 13x24 km footprint Swath width 2600 km –Radicals: Column O3, NO2, BrO, OClO, O3 profile ~ 5 km resolution, HCHO –Tracers: Column SO2 –Aerosols (smoke, dust and sulfates) –Cloud top press., cloud coverage –Surface UVB –Tropospheric ozone residual (when combined with MLS or HIRDLS)
EP TOMS vs OMI Total Ozone Column* NASA Polar Aura Validation Experiment (PAVE) *From Mark Schoeberl (Aura Project Scientist) April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop
OMI Total NO2 Column* NASA Polar Aura Validation Experiment (PAVE) *From Mark Schoeberl (Aura Project Scientist) April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop
OMI Total HCHO Column* NASA Polar Aura Validation Experiment (PAVE) *From Mark Schoeberl (Aura Project Scientist) April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop
The NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) is a joint NASA/IPO instrument risk reduction project. It is designed to function as a bridge between the NASA EOS program and NPOESS for the development of the following sensors: Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Operational Atmospheric Composition measurements: NPOESS The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) will converge existing polar-orbiting satellite systems under a single national program.
The OMPS program will create five ozone products High performance Total Column environmental data records (EDR) Heritage TOMS V7 Total Column EDRs High performance Ozone Profile EDRs Heritage SBUV V6 Nadir Profile data records IR Total Column data records from Cross-track Infra-red Sounder (CRIS) radiances Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) will continue the daily global data produced by the current ozone monitoring systems (SBUV, TOMS). OMPS has the potential to provide other data, including anthropogenic trace gases. OMPS Specifications
The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is primarily for improved measurements of the temperature and moisture profiles in the atmosphere. However, it’s heritage includes the NASA Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), which is currently producing CO and O3 retrievals in a research mode. Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Specifications Temperature profile: 18.5 km at nadir Moisture profile: 15 km at nadir Pressure profile: 55 km at nadir 1 Kelvin / 1 km layers
*From Wallace McMilan April, 2005 INTEX-NA Data Workshop AIRS 500mb CO/MODIS AOD, July 18, 2004